Monday, September 8, 2014

Devot. Given by Inspiration

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a blessed weekend!  Remember the question I shared from my Sunday School teacher last week?
"Why is sound doctrine (teaching) important?  I said it was important because it effects how we live, think, view the Bible, what we believe the Bible says in relation to our lives. 
The devot. below shares how some in the world view the Bible and how we should view it in order that we learn 'sound doctrine' (sound teachings) that agrees with the Word of God.  It's thought provoking, so read it carefully:)
Lord bless and protect you and your loved ones this week (Num. 6:24-26) and may He be an active part of your life.
RUN Ministries:  A ministry that is actively helping the displaced, and persecuted folks in Iraq in the way of refuge camps, food, water etc.  They desperately need help right now b/c of the volume of people!  Please check out their ministry and consider helping or pass along to your church, youth group, ladies meeting etc...

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