Thursday, September 25, 2014

2 Yr. Imprisonment of Pastor Saeed/Help Iraqi Believers!

Dear Friends,
Below is an update on Pastor Saeed and the situation in Iraq (persecution of believers in Iraq, but some amazing rescue stories!)
Please read carefully and prayerfully consider joining with RUN Ministries to help them as they rescue and provide help to persecuted believers in Iraq.

From the American Center for Law and Justice:

Will you join us in prayer for American Pastor Saeed?
Friday, September 26th, marks the two-year anniversary of Pastor Saeed's illegal imprisonment because of his Christian faith.
Two years apart from his wife. Two years without seeing his two kids.
All across the world, thousands of people are gathering to pray for Pastor Saeed and the persecuted Church.
There are over 500 prayer vigils scheduled in 33 countries around the world, including the kick-off event in front of the White House with Franklin Graham and Pastor Saeed's wife Naghmeh that I will be attending.
Please consider attending a prayer vigil nearest you, and invite your friends.
As we continue fighting globally for his release, it's time to pray for Pastor Saeed. It's time for his freedom.
Jordan Sekulow
ACLJ Executive Director
From the Desk of:
Mat Staver
Chairman, Liberty Counsel Action

September 25, 2014

I've shared several dramatic testimonies from refugees who have been rescued by RUN Ministries volunteers in northern Iraq. This update is about one of the rescuers: a volunteer named "Abraham." His lifesaving work has been made possible through the support of Liberty Counsel Action friends like you. Please keep reading for a behind-the-scenes look at RUN's ongoing rescue and relief efforts — Mat.

For several weeks now, I've been writing to you about our partnership with RUN Ministries. President Eric Watt's team of volunteers is made up of believers from across the Middle East who are literally risking their lives to rescue Iraqi Christians and other religious minorities from ISIS terrorists.

Due to security concerns, I can't tell you how many RUN leaders have died carrying out this difficult and dangerous work.
But lives are being saved today because of their sacrifice.

This morning, I got a powerful and inspiring email update from Eric detailing the amazing story of one RUN rescuer:

Abraham had been working non-stop for more than two days and was completely exhausted. But he knew that he could not rest; he had to go out one more time to look for those hiding in the Sinjar Mountain area of northern Iraq.

Earlier that day, he had gotten word that families may be still be hiding. So he and his teammate set out in the middle of the night. Within a couple of hours, Abraham spotted a family huddled together, eyes closed and trying to hide silently to avoid terrorists or wild animals.

He approached them and quietly announced that he was there to help, offering food, water, and safe passage to a peaceful camp.

Their fears subsided, and then the long journey through the mountains began. Hours later, as the sun began to rise, the "Community of Hope" refugee camp appeared. Abraham had rescued another family and led them to safety.

Eric says Abraham and his team have gone behind enemy lines to rescue more than 1,800 families -- so far! RUN Ministries is committed to continuing this dangerous, difficult, and lifesaving work, but they can't do it without our help.

More than 18,000 Iraqi Christians and other religious minorities are currently under RUN's care and protection. Hundreds more arrive every day! Eric's team just doesn't have enough shelter, food, water, medicine, or clothing to adequately address this continuous influx of new families.

The current military action in Syria and northern Iraq is expected to dramatically intensify this humanitarian crisis. Eric estimates that RUN Ministries will be caring for and protecting 20,000 Iraqi Christians and other religious minorities by this weekend. Even if you have donated to RUN previously, please do what you can to help their team of volunteers continue their difficult, dangerous, and lifesaving work.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and generous financial support. God bless you!
Mat Staver
Chairman, Liberty Counsel Action


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