Thursday, June 26, 2014

Devot. Whom Shall I Fear?

Dear Friends,
I pray that you and your families had a blessed week.  The devot. today is a question from Psalm 27:1 that asks a rhetorical question "Whom Shall We Fear?"
Even as adults, we can have our fears- lose of a job, declining health of loved ones, finances.  Even though those fears can be valid, in reality, what or whom should we fear if we have the Lord Jesus living in our lives (Rom. 8:31), His protection upon us and our families (Ps. 91), and His promise of provision to those who trust In Him (Phil. 4:19)?
This devot. drives the point home in a clear, understandable way.  I pray it is a blessing!  I have included a couple Scripture links that also apply, and a video link of this verse and an important petition for an imprisoned believer that will only take a moment to sign.  Pray you have a blessed weekend walking in the knowledge that the Lord is with you!
Scripture: (The word 'elect' has Scriptural basis and when you take all Bible verses that use this word, it means anyone who have accepted Jesus as their Savior. )

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