Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Devot. Running to Christ

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a blessed weekend!
The devot. for today is on coming to Christ when we see our need for Him in our life.
Now this is specifically speaking of humbly coming to Him when we see that we need
Him in a personal, heart way to get to Heaven (accepting Him and what He did for us as our way to get There), but to me this can also apply to coming to Christ when we have no one else to turn to.
I was just thinking that so many times we go to everyone else in our lives when we are lonely, sad, grieving, in distress or trouble instead of going to the Lord first.  Humans can offer human comfort to be sure, and if they are Godly and walking with the Lord, that helps a lot, but only the Lord can offer comfort and solutions that last-through His Word and spending time with Him in prayer and everyday walking with Him.
I pray this devot. is a blessing to your week.  I have included also song link that is one of my favorites.  It's not about 'running' to Christ, but 'hiding' in Him. Have a blessed week in Jesus!

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