Sunday, May 25, 2014

Devot. God's Memorial Day

Dear Friends,
I hope you have had a blessed week!
The devot. for today kicks off Memorial Day.
It's entitled 'God's Memorial Day.'  It remembers our men and women  who have fought and died of our country and also makes a spiritual application to the word 'memorial' in Scripture.
I hope you have a very blessed, restful long weekend!
Please remember that this freedom that we are celebrating this weekend is not free. 
It has been fought and paid for in blood (and still is being paid for).
If you see any of our servicemen and women this weekend, have the courage to go
up and say 'Thank You!"  It will mean the world to them.
The Lord be with you and your families this weekend in all you do!
2 Petitions of Importance: (Pastor Saeed, and Meriam Ibrahim- persecuted believers.  Please sign if you have not.)

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