Friday, December 24, 2021

The Chosen's Christmas Special!

 Hi Folks,

Below is a Christmas link that I promised to give you all last week.  This is where I got my 'wonder moment'-the moment where the enormity of what Christmas is all about, hit me like a ton of bricks.

  "The Chosen" is a new tv series that has literally taken the world by storm the last 2 years!  It focuses on Jesus' ministry while on earth and their Christmas special this year has been #5 in the box offices in theaters this month.  I've had people go to see it in theaters and they said that it impacted and touched their lives in the most unexpected ways...

Below is a youtube link for their Christmas special: "The Messengers''.  

This would be beautiful to watch as a family tonight! (FYI, If parts do not make sense, they are having some flashbacks to key characters of "The Chosen" series as Mary the mother of Jesus and Mary of Magdalene .)

Merry CHRISTmas!

The Chosen Christmas Special-The Messengers: 

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