Thursday, December 16, 2021

Devot. Finding Rest in the Christmas Rush

 Hi Folks,

I hope you had a great week!!   Countdown to Christmas begins, it's just around the corner!

I'm sure for many of you, the rush of CHristmas will begin....Below are 2 devot.s to hopefully help give you perspective and  practical ways to keep from going crazy and to be able to actually enjoy, contemplate and reflect on the TRUE meaning of the season.

I also found a podcast (linked below, only 25 minutes) to listen to as you are occupied doing other things on how to put Jesus first and forefront in the Christmas season-as He should be, after all, it is HIS Birthday:)

Pray you have a blessed weekend!

Podcast: Putting Christ at the Center of Your Holidays:

Find Rest in the Christmas Rush: 
(Used by permission taken from

A Prayer to Stop the Rush and Let go of the Stress this Christmastime:

"Life is the right of every child. Not a special privilege for the fortunate, the planned and the perfect." 

"You covered me in my mother’s womb. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret....Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed...And in Your book they all were written,...When as yet there were none of them."  Psalm 139

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