Thursday, August 6, 2020

Devot. Kindness

Hi Folks,
I hope you have had a good week!   I had the topic of 'kindness' in my mind for our devotional this week.  

I had an assortment of devotions land in my inbox that had some very encouraging and Biblical lessons.  None of them were specifically on kindness, but I believe the lessons in the devotionals, esp. in the first 2, would reflect a spirit of kindness to those around us.   I still say that we are not seeing this type of heart and attitude at this time like I was seeing when the pandemic first started.  
But maybe we could start the wheels of change on that, starting with our own Christlike actions and heart!

Pray that the Lord would direct you to the devotional that would encourage and inspire you and strengthen your heart in Him this week.  Lord bless you!

(Devotions used by permission.  Taken from

Made to Shine: 

Be a Blessing:

Let's Cheer Each Other On:

Uncertain Times: 

Take Heart:

Heart Health: 

Two Words to Bring Peace:

~ ~ "You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you."  John Bunyan, Writer of Pilgrim's Progress ~ ~ 

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