Monday, December 23, 2019

Devot. Christmas Part 2

Hi Folks,

I hope you are having a great week!  

We are one day away until Christmas (Or as I say to the children in my life, "One week until we get to celebrate God's Birthday!  Wow!!!).  
Indeed, that is a thought.  We who are sinful human beings have been given the chance to celebrate the greatest event in history-God, the Creator of all, coming down to earth in human flesh just for sinful mankind.  Wow!  We certainly don't deserve it.....but God in is great love for us and "...while we were yet sinners,.... died for us" (Rom. 5:8).  It's mind blowing if you ponder it long enough....

Below are devots and a section of "practical articles" that may be useful to you as well.

During this week before Christmas, I would challenge you to start thinking about going to a Christmas Eve service.

Go to a church that preaches from the Bible and will bring the True Meaning of Christmas to the forefront, not just have traditions and rituals, but opens up the Bible and share the Christmas Story.     My parents and I started doing this when I was a child and it would not seem like Christmas Eve or Christmas to me without going to a service that sets my mind and heart on the Lord and His birth. 

Here is a link to look for a good Bible believing church in your area:
Scroll down about 3/4 of the way and look for  "Good, Bible Believing Churches-Within the Us and Overseas" and that will give you a place to start.  Or google your area for Bible or Baptist churches.  Those churches are the ones that stick the closet to  sharing God's Word.   You and Yours a very blessed week!

(Devots. and Articles Used by Permission.   Taken from

When Glory was Birthed In a Barn:

Let All the Earth Rejoice:

Counting On Joy:

Practical Christmas Suggestions:

Creating Family Traditions: 

Best Faith Filled Kids Gifts: 

Celebrate Advent With The Kids:  (This was a very cute idea!!! Loved it!)

New Nativity Scene Tradition:

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