Monday, December 23, 2019

Devot. Christmas, Part 3

Hi Folks,

Merry Christmas to each you and your families!  Well, we are a day away from Jesus' birthday.

As I did last week, I challenge you to find yourself a good Bible believing church and go to a Christmas Eve service or church on Sunday to focus and prepare your heart for celebrating our Lord's coming to earth-the True Reason and Meaning of the Season.

Below are a number of devots. that center on Christmas, but also Rest, Peace and a Reminder that God is with you.  I know that Christmas is not always easy for everyone, so I included some devots. to remind you that God is with you,
whatever you are going through (the past few weeks have also had devotions of comfort as well if you look back).

I pray that each of you can find a devot. that speaks to your heart, and where you are spiritually with the Lord this week.  Pray you would gain encouragement, stronger faith in the Lord, comfort and joy as we prepare Him room in our heart for Christmas.

Lord bless you and yours.  Merry Christmas! 

(Used by permission.  Taken from

Mary: A Prepared Heart That Receives God's Promises:

The Shepherds:  A Praising Heart that Celebrates God's Presence

Simeon: A Peaceful Heart that Holds Salvation 

Anna: A Praying Heart that Trusts God's Word

When Glory Was Birthed in a Barn:

Let All the Earth Rejoice:

In Pursuit of Peace: 

Finding Rest: 

Embracing Peace:

A Reminder About Who is Really in Control:

God Restores and Brings Joy:

Stop, Kneel and Pray:

Remember Who God Is:

Devot. Christmas Part 2

Hi Folks,

I hope you are having a great week!  

We are one day away until Christmas (Or as I say to the children in my life, "One week until we get to celebrate God's Birthday!  Wow!!!).  
Indeed, that is a thought.  We who are sinful human beings have been given the chance to celebrate the greatest event in history-God, the Creator of all, coming down to earth in human flesh just for sinful mankind.  Wow!  We certainly don't deserve it.....but God in is great love for us and "...while we were yet sinners,.... died for us" (Rom. 5:8).  It's mind blowing if you ponder it long enough....

Below are devots and a section of "practical articles" that may be useful to you as well.

During this week before Christmas, I would challenge you to start thinking about going to a Christmas Eve service.

Go to a church that preaches from the Bible and will bring the True Meaning of Christmas to the forefront, not just have traditions and rituals, but opens up the Bible and share the Christmas Story.     My parents and I started doing this when I was a child and it would not seem like Christmas Eve or Christmas to me without going to a service that sets my mind and heart on the Lord and His birth. 

Here is a link to look for a good Bible believing church in your area:
Scroll down about 3/4 of the way and look for  "Good, Bible Believing Churches-Within the Us and Overseas" and that will give you a place to start.  Or google your area for Bible or Baptist churches.  Those churches are the ones that stick the closet to  sharing God's Word.   You and Yours a very blessed week!

(Devots. and Articles Used by Permission.   Taken from

When Glory was Birthed In a Barn:

Let All the Earth Rejoice:

Counting On Joy:

Practical Christmas Suggestions:

Creating Family Traditions: 

Best Faith Filled Kids Gifts: 

Celebrate Advent With The Kids:  (This was a very cute idea!!! Loved it!)

New Nativity Scene Tradition:

Devot. Christmas Part 1

Hi Folks,

Hope you are having a good week!  We are expecting snow in my neck of the woods tomorrow, so it looks like Christmas is truly around the corner!   

I have several devots. below for you:  Anything from finding rest in the Christmas rush (will need this one myself:), getting though Christmas if it ins't easy for you right now, and 3 others, all emphasizing different areas.

Pray you find one that fits where you are spiritually this week.  

Also have a few links below if you are still working on  shopping for Christmas or looking ahead to after Christmas shopping :). 

Under my title "Gifts that Keep on Giving" are ministries I try to give/buy from to each year in some way and have found it to bring Christmas joy to my heart, knowing my gift is helping someone else.  Hope the links are useful to you!

Lord bless you and yours this week!

If you are still looking for Christmas gifts that have a Christian meaning, I would recommend: 


(I love this last site b/c what I give financially or materially goes directly overseas to persecuted families and children in need.
The books and DVDs they offer for the kids and teens gives them true stories of men and women of faith to pattern their own life
from, something of substance; the Christmas Care packs-which are so fun to pack with kids, friends or family!- go to Christmas overseas who are in desperate need of new clothings and meds; the money I give towards Bibles enables a Believer, adult or child, to have a Bible in their own language who may have been waiting years for one! I can also give in someone's honor and VOM will send them a card on my behalf.) 

Note: At the top, right hand corner of the site, there are 3 vertical lines.
Click the lines and it will give you a list of ways to give, donate Bibles, pack or sponsor Action or Medical Packs, Kids of Courage gives resources for the kids (books, dvd you can buy on men and women of faith.) 

This 2nd site is also very worthwhile as well and helps take care of the needs of orphans overseas who are in Christian schools.
(I usually purchase a Bible for a child and it's only $5!). Either site would be a fun way of getting the family involved,
or even helping your children donate part of their allowance towards helping a child in need, see where they would like to give it.

If you are an animal lover like myself, this place allows you to give in a variety of ways (the tabs on this link give a variety of ways to shop for Christmas gifts as well, but the link below is a favorite of mine: 

Devots. Used By Permission.  Taken from

Finding Rest in the Christmas Rush:

Hope for a Difficult Season:

A Christmas Far from Family:

What To Write in a Christmas Card:

Faith-Filled Stocking Stuffer Ideas: 

Friday, December 6, 2019

Devot. Preparing Your Heart for Christmas

Hi Folks,

Welcome to the first week of December!  

I have 4 devots. below: One gives the Gospel account of Christmas, how it all started,
and the other three give ideas of how to spiritually prepare your heart, home and family for Christmas.  

I also typed out a few ideas below of how my family and I prepare as well.
You know, in order that the True Meaning of Christmas is present in our homes and lives and comes through clearly, some planning and thoughtfulness goes into it!  With that in mind, I loved the 2nd devot. 

Pray the Lord blesses you and your family this weekend! 

Ways My Family and I Celebrate and Express the True Meaning of Christmas: 

1. Set a manger scene within or without your home (or wear it-my mom has a beautiful manger scene pin that she wears as soon as December hits).  I promise, it won't hurt to showcase the true meaning of Christmas:)

It's a reminder of what is truly important, real, the reason for the season, a reminder of the enteral hope that can be found for those who put their faith and trust in Jesus as their Savior.   

I've shared before that for the young people I have in my life, as soon as it hits December, I put up a number of different manger scenes.  I then take Jesus out of the manger scene and hide Him.  Every so often I will put Him in the manger scene for a child to find, but no one knows when I may stick Him in, so students have to look every week for Him!  If they find Him in one or more manger scenes, then they get to pick a trinket out of my "treasure box."  The kids absolutely love this and anticipate every year!

My parents did this with me as a child and I'm very thankful. I loved it as well.   It built up the True Meaning of Christmas in my heart and mind and built up the excitement for His birthday and finding Him in the manger on Christmas Day.  We even had "Happy Birthday, Jesus'"
parties.  We would celebrate as you would for any party, but celebrate with Jesus specifically in mind.

2. Send Christmas Cards by mail or ecards that say "Merry Christmas". has a nice selection and it's so quick and easy!

3. Say "Merry Christmas!", write it in your cards, sometimes you can find wrapping paper with it on it:). We have a front yard sign 
with Merry Christmas that lights up:)

(Read and Share.  Used by Permission.  Taken from

The Promise of a Savior:

6 Ways to Prepare for the Christmas Season: 

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room: 

Advent: A Season of Hope, Love, Joy, Peace