Hi Folks,
Merry Christmas to each you and your families! Well, we are a day away from Jesus' birthday.
As I did last week, I challenge you to find yourself a good Bible believing church and go to a Christmas Eve service or church on Sunday to focus and prepare your heart for celebrating our Lord's coming to earth-the True Reason and Meaning of the Season.
Below are a number of devots. that center on Christmas, but also Rest, Peace and a Reminder that God is with you. I know that Christmas is not always easy for everyone, so I included some devots. to remind you that God is with you,
whatever you are going through (the past few weeks have also had devotions of comfort as well if you look back).
I pray that each of you can find a devot. that speaks to your heart, and where you are spiritually with the Lord this week. Pray you would gain encouragement, stronger faith in the Lord, comfort and joy as we prepare Him room in our heart for Christmas.
Lord bless you and yours. Merry Christmas!
(Used by permission. Taken from https://www.dayspring.com/articles)
Mary: A Prepared Heart That Receives God's Promises:
The Shepherds: A Praising Heart that Celebrates God's Presence
Simeon: A Peaceful Heart that Holds Salvation
Anna: A Praying Heart that Trusts God's Word
When Glory Was Birthed in a Barn:
Let All the Earth Rejoice:
In Pursuit of Peace:
Finding Rest:
Embracing Peace:
A Reminder About Who is Really in Control:
God Restores and Brings Joy:
Stop, Kneel and Pray:
Remember Who God Is: