Saturday, July 20, 2019

Devot. Slow Down, See God in Everyday Life

Hi Folks,

I hope you are having a great weekend!  I have 2 trains of thought for you this week, but I'm going to try and tie them together:)

Train of thought Number One is slowing down the pace of life, and Number 2 is seeing God through everyday life.

During the summer months, life is supposed to slow down,  we can take a break from the hustle and bustle that occurs during the school year.   But for some folks, they fill their days so full of vacations and busy things that they need a vacation from all their activities!

How do we slow down and smell the roses and also rest our hearts?  Below is are 2 devotionals, one that shares 6 verses of how to rest our hearts, minds and lives this summer, the 2nd one is the spiritualness behind slowing down and the 3rd one is how to live out your faith and and celebrate the blessings in everyday life. 

Now, what do we miss by not slowing down and getting some rest here and there through the summer?  We can miss seeing the blessings of God in our lives, His provision, His tender care, and the love He showers our lives with everyday.
My mom always says that if we would just open our physical eyes and really look for His hand at work through each day, we would see all that God is doing in our life, around us, how He blesses us in ways that we do not deserve, but that shows His love for us.

I pray that the devots. below will encourage and refresh your heart this week.   

Lord bless you and yours!

6 Verses to Help You Rest this Summer: 

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