Saturday, July 20, 2019

Devot. Courage!

Hi Folks,

I hope you are having a great weekend! 

I was thinking last weekend of what devotional topic to cover and the word "Courage" came to mind.   "Courage" for me represents asking God to give me His boldness and lack of fear so that I can hand someone a Gospel tract as I run errands.  It can also mean sincerely being able to tell someone that isn't a Christian that I am praying for them as they share the week they have had.

"Courage" for you could mean making it through another day as you face a trial in life.   It could mean having the Courage to be honest in your work dealings if someone has asked you to do something that you know is "fudging" things a bit.  It could mean that God is convicting your heart that you must be truthful with someone who asks your opinion on something.   You know what God's Word says, they have asked you what you think, but you're afraid to tell the the truth. 

We live in a world where they are many Courageous folks-our law enforcement, emergency, military (even intelligence) personnel who risk their lives in order to save others.  We read stories in the news of ordinary folks who saw a danger, a need and ran to help, risking their own safety.

But we are also living in a changing world that is becoming so sensitive, or the polar opposite, so tolerate to the point of not being Courageous enough to speak the Truth for fear of offending someone.  New Testament Scripture encourages boldness where the Truth within God's word is concerned (Acts 4:29, Ephesians 6:20, Rom. 1:16) and yet being Christ-like, kind, respectful, but honest in the process (Colossians 4:6).  

Our world, in spite of what we see in front of us each day, is searching for answers and is hurting in the process of looking.  Just as Pontus Pilate asked Jesus at His mock trial when He was brought before him, "What is truth?" (John 18:38), our world is looking for it in all the wrong spots.  Jesus said in John 14:6 that He was Truth itself.   We as Believers carry the answers to life questions, the means of making it through the tough times, as found in Scripture.  The question is, "Do we have the courage to share It?"   

Below are 3 devots. that are about Courage.   I pray that you would find one this weekend that the Lord will use to meet you where you are.  May the Lord give us His courage to speak is Truth with honestly, but respectfulness to those looking for answers (1 Peter 3:15-16).  May He give you His Courage to face whatever is in front of you, knowing He is beside you (Joshua 1:9).

Lord bless you!

(Read and Share.  All 3 devots. taken from
Good Courage: 

The Impact of Courage:

Take Me Deeper:

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