Hi Folks,
I hope you had a super weekend and are staying cool!
I have 2 short devots. for you today. Each one is short on it's own, but combined together they make a really good topic for today-not boating of our own accomplishments (let someone else praise what we have done) and making wise decisions.
Proverbs 31:31 says of the virtuous (godly) woman (which can apply to any of us, and regardless of gender),
"Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates."
In the previous verses, we read of all the accomplishments of this amazing, godly lady. She is very selfless in taking care of her household staff, her family (verses 15, 21, 27), the poor (verse 20), she is a business woman (verses 16, 24) and she is even a gardener (verse 16).
Even in the midst of all her selfless acts and service, she does not boast of her accomplishments. You never see that anywhere is this chapter. It's the people who sing her praises. Her family (verse 28), those who have been blessed by her, praise her acts of service.
Proverbs 31:29-30, "Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." That is the crux of the matter-a person who has a reverential fear, awe of the Lord will be praised by others for what they have done in the name of the Lord and for others.
This lady also pours words of wisdom and kindness, "She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness." Considering that it says she fears the Lord, I'm thinking that this lady gets her wisdom from Him, and therefore is able to make wise decisions and also pass on wise, godly advice to others. Apart from the wisdom God can give us (James 1:5), we are sunk if we rely on our own wisdom.
I pray these short little devots. will give you a bust of encouragement this week! Lord bless you and yours!
(Devots. from Read and Share. Taken from https://www.dayspring.com/)
Toot Your Own Horn:
Talk is Talk:
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