Friday, July 20, 2018

Devot. This Little Light

HI Folks,
I hope you had a good week!  
Below is a devot. I found in my Promotions tab and it was a Read and Share from
I wasn't looking for it, but I thought it was so neat how God provided this devot.  
Remember how I mentioned the song This Little Light of mine in the past devot. I posted (Faith Like Fireworks) as a reminder to shine for Jesus each day?   This devot. has the same title and is another reminder:)  It's very short, but the Faith Check below the devot. made me think of Ephesians 2:8-9 that I gave you on the past devot. as well.
I pray that it gives you spiritual food for thought this weekend.   Lord bless you and yours!

Scripture: - A reminder that just as salt is useful to flavoring things (or it's not useful at all) and shinning lights cannot be hidden, we must be spiritually and eternally useful in the lives of others and "flavor" their lives with the hope we have in Jesus and let our light shine for Him into a lost, and dying world).

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