Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Devot. Faith Like Fireworks

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a super weekend and a good start to your week!
Even though 4th of July was last week, I wanted to do one more week of patriotic themed devots.
I found this one and it is an encouraging reminder to let our faith in Jesus Christ shine out to a lost and dying world.    Those who have personally trusted Jesus as their way to get to Heaven have the answer of how to get to Heaven, as found in the Bible- personal faith and trust in Jesus Christ.  
I am thankful that I  have experienced this for myself- personally trusting Jesus as my way to get to Heaven.  
But others have not heard this good news and if we have trusted Jesus as our Saviour and the way to get to Heaven, we must have the courage to share this good news- by our lives, our speak our actions and sharing God's Word with them.   
Folks must know that, "For by grace are you saved, through faith; and that not of yourselves (it's not based on or about us!): it is the gift of God: (God is freely giving us the gift of eternal life in Heaven, to all those who would receive Him as Savior), not of works (not of our own making or doing), lest anyone should boast (lest we take pride in going to Heaven when Jesus did it all for us)."   Ephesians 2:8-9
I pray that the devot. below gives you an encouraging boost to your week!
Do you also remember learning the children's Sunday School song "This Little Light of Mine" when you were little?   I have an included an instrumental song link w/ lyrics that has a fun, upbeat Gospel/Jazz feel to it as a reminder to shine for Jesus this week!
Lord bless you and yours!

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