Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Devot. A Foundation of Faith

Hi Folks,
Happy 4th of July Week!  
The devot. for today is a reminder that our country was founded on Biblical principles.
Now, not all who signed the Declaration of Independence were Christians, but many did indeed
believe in God as Lord, Creator and the Divine.  
Thomas Jefferson said, "The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time."
I pray that the resources below are a blessing to your week!  I have the devot. from    and simple instructions on how to find it (as it's not a Read and Share devot. like I usually send), an interesting article on our Founding Fathers and their religious beliefs and a song to round out of patriotic theme.
I pray you and your have a very blessed week as we celebrate our national freedom and also our freedom in Christ.   Because of Jesus' death and resurrection, for those who have trusted Him, we can be assured a home in Heaven,  be free from enslavement to sin and need not fear hell or the grave.
Jesus said in John 8:36, " If the Son (referring to Himself) therefore shall make you free, (reference is to the spiritual) ye shall be free indeed."
Lord bless you and yours! 
Click on Articles (Top, far right side of screen)
Click on Featured Articles
Look for A Foundation of Faith (Written June 27, 2018)
Song:  (A spiritual reminder that Jesus is our reigning authority):

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