Hi Folks,
I hope you had a blessed weekend!
Remember the summer times when you were a child? Maybe you enjoyed swimming in a neighbor's pool (or swimming hole, depending on you time period:), fishing or going down the road to the nearby ice cream stand; playing with neighborhood kids or enjoying a popsicle on a hot summer day?
I think in our society today life is so busy, even during the summer, that we fail to let ourselves or the young people in our lives (if you have grandkids, kids, nieces, nephews) enjoy these simple pleasures, which are blessings.
Today's devot. is a throwback to last week-how to rest, relax and enjoy God's beautiful summer creation during the weeks of summer that we have left.
Below is the devot., a short article on 6 Scriptures to help you rest this summer and a song link that reminds us that the days pass too quickly and that we must enjoy each day God gives us.
The song is taken from verses of Psalm 90: https://www.biblegateway.com/ passage/?search=ps.+90& version=KJV
Lord bless you and yours this week!
(Both articles are Read and Share from https://www.dayspring.com/)
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6 Verses to Help You Rest this Summer: https://www.dayspring.com/ articles/6-verses-to-help-you- rest-this-summer?utm_source= Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_ campaign= NEBANN20180711PMWednesdayDevot ional&utm_term=DaySpring% 20Newsletter