Thursday, September 7, 2017

Free Pastor Andrew Brunson!!!

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Taken from The American Center for Law and Justice:


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Turkey has just falsely charged Pastor Andrew with new crimes.
These new, more serious, and demonstrably false charges carry significantly stiffer punishments, if convicted.
American Pastor Andrew Brunson's dire situation has intensified. He is in grave danger.
Sign the Petition Now
After 322 days of wrongful imprisonment in Turkey under the absurd charge of armed membership in a terrorist organization, Pastor Andrew urgently needs your prayers and voice more than ever.
We are demanding his immediate release. He has committed no crime. He suffers only because of his faith in Jesus Christ. He must be reunited with his family.
But there is hope. Under new presidential powers, President Erdogan has the power to return prisoners to their home countries.
Take urgent action with us as we aggressively fight for his freedom across the globe. Demand Turkey's president immediately return Pastor Andrew home to the U.S.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

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