Thursday, August 31, 2017

Devot. Rejoicing in the Dark

HI Folks,
I hope you have had a good week.  
The devot. below is on finding blessings in the midst of trials
and specifically reminding yourself of those blessings God has sent you in the past as way of seeing
the hope He has for you in the future.   Jeremiah 29:11 states "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."
Remember how I've said in the past that God can bring beauty out of our pain, if we let Him?  
He wants to give us hope, a future, in the the midst of the trias we go through and have beauty come out of the ashes.
Below is the devot. and also a news link.   I saw the story on tv today, wanted to share with you all and than amazingly saw it was a feature article on my home page tonight.  Thank you, Lord!
It's an amazing story of hope rising out of Hurricane Harvey. The gentleman has the right attitude and perspective, as you will read within the first few paragraphs.   He knows God will do something through the trial...Lord bless this man and his family.  
Keep praying for the folks in TX and LA.  I am seeing answers to the prayers being lifted up,so keep them coming!  ("Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am." Isaiah 58:9)
Pray the devot. and story blesses you this weekend.

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