Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Devot. Discerning the Source of Our Trials

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a super week!   
I hope this series has been a blessing and useful so far to you. If you are not going through something at this time, I'm hoping that what you learn can be useful to you later or in the life of someone you know right now.
I heard someone say once that a person is either going through a trial, about to go through one or just got through one:)  Either way, I'm hoping what you are learning will help in someway.
The devot. for today is figuring out where out trials are coming from.  Did we make some poor choices that led to these results  or did these things pass across God's desk and He put His signature on it, giving permission to allow this into our life? 
Remember I said last week that trials can produce growth (James 1:4), a closer walk with Jesus and what we have learned from it can be useful in the life of someone else we meet.
I pray this devot. would bless and encourage you this week!   Lord bless and keep you and yours.

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