Monday, June 12, 2017

Devot. The Priority of Prayer

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a good week! 
I am going to start a series on prayer.  I'm not sure how far I will go with it, but we will start and see where the Lord leads us:)
My mom and I have been seeing the power of prayer, how important it is in applying to everyday life issues and how amazingly God can answer.  I want to share stories of answers to prayer from my own l life and help you to see the power behind prayer as well.
Below is a link for a sermon on prayer by Dr. Charles Stanley.   He is an amazing pastor, speaks straight from the Bible and does not deviate, and explains things in a simple, understandable, practical way. 
My mom greatly enjoys hearing him speak and has always gotten a lot of his sermons.
Now with the sermon link are the sermon notes (off on the right hand side of the screen, like a side bar) that go with the sermon.   I want you to read the notes first as the devot. for this week and listen to Dr. Stanley has you have time (his sermon is only 26 minutes long).
I pray what you read about prayer will encourage your heart this week!
Lord bless you and yours.


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