Thursday, June 22, 2017

Devot. In a Father's Footsteps

Hi Folks,
I hope you have had a very blessed week! 
The devot for today is a throwback to our devot. from Tuesday on Fatherhood and impacting the next
generation with godliness in general.
This devot. gives some practical and applicable suggestions on how to bring godliness into your home, life, workplace, the lives of the folks and young people who are in your life.     It is doable!
I have also included a link specifically for the guys.   It's a godly, Christian website that offers devotional written by a godly man to men who wish to live a Christ-like life.
Ladies, this site also has devotions for ladies written by a godly, Christian lady.
Pray the devot. below and the site encourage and strengthen your walk with our Saviour this weekend. 
Lord bless you and yours!
              "O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to
                                   the rock of our salvation."     Psalm 95:1

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