Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Devot. Who is God?

Hi Friends,
I hope you have had a super start to your week!   
The devot. today continues our journey towards Easter.   When we say we believe in God, Who are we really talking about?  How would describe God if someone asked you?  He is my Saviour, Creator, He came in human flesh as Jesus.....
This devot. gives some of these titles and a few more to help us better understand who God is.
I have also included a really neat, free download (some reflections on Easter) to look though at your leisure.   Click on the link below and then feel free to copy and paste the link from the window that opens.  It's from In Touch,  the same site that I use very often for devots.   I hope it is a blessing!
Lord bless you this week!
Devot. https://www.intouch.org/read/blog/who-is-god  (Used by permission.    Taken from https://www.intouch.org/)

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