Thursday, March 16, 2017

Devot. In the Flesh

Hi Folks,
I hope you have had a good week!
As I post this devot. today, I feel the Lord is leading me to prepare ourselves for Easter next month though our next set of devotionals.
I want us to explore who Jesus is-what titles (Lord, Son of God) does he have that reflect who He is?   
I'm going to search for devots. that are concise and easy to read  so please pray for me as I prepare each week.   I'm excited about this and I feel this is where the Lord is leading us as a group.
The devot. for today is the foundation of everything-exploring Jesus' coming to earth (His incarnation) what is really means when Scripture says He was God and Man-equally.   
This is the basis for everything else surround Easter, so please read the devot. carefully through the weekend, take it in paragraphs, and I pray the Lord will use it to enlighten your heart.  
Lord bless and keep you!

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