Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Devot. Even Our Faith

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a great week!   I felt led to send this devot. today.  It is powerful in content and gives Truth as based on God's Word.
My pastor reminded us Sunday that some faiths have other gods or do not see Jesus as God and Savior, but it is only through Faith in Jesus that we can reach Heaven.  
My pastor said that this statement may offend some, and it is not my intent to offend, but to give Truth, which is eternally valuable, literally. 
It can save a soul from an eternity apart from Christ and assure them a Home in Heaven!   That is valuable to the person who receives it!  Jesus said that He Himself was Truth and that  He wants all to come to Him.
The Scripture link below gives a part of that statement.  Jesus gives an analogy of a shepherd who has sheep and takes good care of them/will defend them with his life verses someone who is just hired for the job and who cares more about himself than the safety of the sheep in the face of danger. 
Jesus gives the illustration of sheep to represent those have trusted Him for salvation and how the only way we can get to Heaven in through Him.   If you have never trusted Jesus as your only way to get to Heaven, check out this link:

Feel free to email me with questions (my email is under the Contact tab) or leave a comment in the tab below.   I pray the Lord uses this link and this devot. in your heart this week.   
Devot.   (Used by permission.  Taken from

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