Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Christian Pastor in Prison: Petition Calling for Justice!

Please consider signing, passing on or praying!
From the American Center for Law and Justice in Washington, DC:

Pastor Hassan's appeal has been filed and now . . .

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A Christian pastor has just been convicted in Sudan for his faith.
12 years in prison for Pastor Hassan - that's the unjust sentence.
Sign the Petition Now
Christian Pastor Hassan Abduraheem has been imprisoned in Sudan for more than a year already, separated from his church and family.
He showed the love of Christ to someone in need and now he's being persecuted for it. Now Pastor Hassan faces spending more than a decade longer in prison - all because he's a Christian.
He needs your voice now more than ever before.
We're redoubling our efforts - expanding our massive international legal advocacy campaign for his freedom. Our international offices have sent critical legal letters to Sudanese officials.
You've spoken out for other persecuted Christians in Sudan, and they were saved - Mariam Ibraheem, Pastors Michael and Peter, Pastor Kuwa.
Pastor Hassan just filed his appeal in Sudanese appeals court. He needs your voice now. Be heard - for freedom, for faith, for justice.
Sign Our Petition: Free Christian Pastor Hassan.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

Contribute Now

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