Monday, February 27, 2017

Devot. Praying With Faith

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good weekend!  
This devot. is a reminder that as you pray, believe that God hears and will answer, but the keys are in His own timing and according to what He thinks is best for us.  I cannot tell you how may times in the last few weeks God has answered prayers I have been lifting up on the behalf of others in such an amazing, awesome way that shows only He could have done it!   And the timing!!  The timing was absolutely perfect!  
Sometimes we get impatient because a request is not answered on our timetable or it seems that God is silent.   
When God is silent, He is working behind the scenes, preparing situations, hearts, people (Proverbs 16:1), and working out the situations we are praying for for OUR good, in the long run (Romans 8:28).  
It is during the waiting period that we can ask the Lord for reminders He is listening (I've done that several times in the last few months and He has graciously shown me His love and care) and use this as an opportunity to strengthen and grow our faith.
As a side note, this devot gives a gentle reminder that God doesn't always give us what we want.  He is not a genie in a bottle there to give us a new car, more money etc...    
But He does definitely provide for our needs, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)
May the Lord encourage your heart this week!
"Then shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am..."  Isaiah 58:9   

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Devot: Degress of Faith

Hi Folks,
I hope you have had a blessed, and not-too-stressful week:)  This devot. is a throwback to the devot. I posted a few days ago, "Even Our Faith."
Hebrews 11:6 states, "But without faith it is impossible to please him (God): for he that cometh to God must believe that he is (that He even exists!), and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."
I think if each of us would look around us each day, intentionally trying to see God at work, His blessings and presence in our day, we would see Him actively at work and blessing us.   This is one way to strengthen our faith, to see God at work, even in little ways that only we would see.   
That is a challenge I am giving for each of us! :)  Lord bless your weekend!    
Devot.  (Used by permission.   Taken from

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Christian Pastor in Prison: Petition Calling for Justice!

Please consider signing, passing on or praying!
From the American Center for Law and Justice in Washington, DC:

Pastor Hassan's appeal has been filed and now . . .

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A Christian pastor has just been convicted in Sudan for his faith.
12 years in prison for Pastor Hassan - that's the unjust sentence.
Sign the Petition Now
Christian Pastor Hassan Abduraheem has been imprisoned in Sudan for more than a year already, separated from his church and family.
He showed the love of Christ to someone in need and now he's being persecuted for it. Now Pastor Hassan faces spending more than a decade longer in prison - all because he's a Christian.
He needs your voice now more than ever before.
We're redoubling our efforts - expanding our massive international legal advocacy campaign for his freedom. Our international offices have sent critical legal letters to Sudanese officials.
You've spoken out for other persecuted Christians in Sudan, and they were saved - Mariam Ibraheem, Pastors Michael and Peter, Pastor Kuwa.
Pastor Hassan just filed his appeal in Sudanese appeals court. He needs your voice now. Be heard - for freedom, for faith, for justice.
Sign Our Petition: Free Christian Pastor Hassan.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

Contribute Now

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Devot. Even Our Faith

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a great week!   I felt led to send this devot. today.  It is powerful in content and gives Truth as based on God's Word.
My pastor reminded us Sunday that some faiths have other gods or do not see Jesus as God and Savior, but it is only through Faith in Jesus that we can reach Heaven.  
My pastor said that this statement may offend some, and it is not my intent to offend, but to give Truth, which is eternally valuable, literally. 
It can save a soul from an eternity apart from Christ and assure them a Home in Heaven!   That is valuable to the person who receives it!  Jesus said that He Himself was Truth and that  He wants all to come to Him.
The Scripture link below gives a part of that statement.  Jesus gives an analogy of a shepherd who has sheep and takes good care of them/will defend them with his life verses someone who is just hired for the job and who cares more about himself than the safety of the sheep in the face of danger. 
Jesus gives the illustration of sheep to represent those have trusted Him for salvation and how the only way we can get to Heaven in through Him.   If you have never trusted Jesus as your only way to get to Heaven, check out this link:

Feel free to email me with questions (my email is under the Contact tab) or leave a comment in the tab below.   I pray the Lord uses this link and this devot. in your heart this week.   
Devot.   (Used by permission.  Taken from

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Devot. Faith

Hi Folks,
I hope you are having a good weekend!

The title of the devot. may be short, but the devot. gives a great boost of encouragement
and is covers one of my favorite topics-how we are saved by faith in Jesus.

Pray the Lord blesses you and yours this weekend!

Devot.. (Used by permission.  Taken from

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Devot. Building Muscles of Faith

Hi Folks,

I hope you are having a good week!  The title of this devot. and the beginning statement
caught my attention,  "Want to grow in your faith? Each day’s situations are opportunities
to trust God."
I could definitely apply this to my life right now.  God is giving me opportunities to see that
He hears and answers my prayers through everyday situations.

I pray this devot. opens your eyes and helps to you see how God is right with you, hears
every prayer you pray and while you are waiting on His answers, it will give you opportunities
to grow in  your walk with the Lord and have your faith strengthened.   

Lord bless you and yours this weekend!

"Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you."     (Jer. 29:12)

(Used by permission.  Taken from

Monday, February 6, 2017

Petition: Free Pastor Andrew Brunson!!

This is a petition from the American Center from Law and Justice in Washington, D.C.

Hebrews 13:3 says to those who have trusted Christ as Savior, " Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body."

We are to remember, support, pray for and not forget those who are suffering in prison because of their faith in Jesus!    Please sign this petition and consider passing the word!  Just copy this link, put it in an email and send it to you friends!   

Blessings and Thanks, Grace

American Pastor Andrew Brunson still languishes in a Turkish prison.
He’s one of 19 prisoners in a 10-person cell. He’s the only Christian.
Pastor Andrew has been falsely charged with “membership in an armed terrorist organization.” He has served and loved the people of Turkey for more than two decades. Now this U.S. citizen is in extreme danger – falsely charged for his Christian faith.
Sign the Petition Now
We are representing his family and have launched an aggressive global campaign demanding that Turkey – a fellow member of NATO – release him immediately.
We’re working on Capitol Hill with our nation’s leaders, through our international offices, and around the globe to secure the release of Pastor Andrew.
Now, we are preparing to send a critical legal letter to Turkey’s president in the next few days.
Time is of the essence. Sign our letter before we send it. Join the fight. Be Pastor Andrew’s voice. He needs it now more than ever.

Sign Our Petition: Free American Pastor Andrew Brunson.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Devot. By Faith

Hi Folks,

Hope you are having a very good week!

 This devot. is a throwback to Tuesday's devotional passage in Hebrews 11:1-  "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Pray the devot. makes the verse come to life and apply even more to your personal life.  

Lord bless and keep you and yours this weekend!

Devot.  (Used by permission.   Taken from