Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Devot. Live Honestly/Petition to Free Pakistani Christian

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a relaxing weekend!  I hope you enjoyed the devots. on growing spiritually and learned something by them that can  be applied to your life. 
As the US election season draws very near I want to share devots. that describe what to look for in a leader. Now, I'm not going to get political and say Who to vote for, (that's not my business), but What to vote for.  What character traits should a wise leader have and do we know what the Bible says about jobs, finances, the right to life etc. so we can make wise and Bible based decisions in general?   
I'm going to share what God's Word says, not what my personal opinion is.      My opinion doesn't matter.  But God's Word does:)
No matter what political persuasion you are, if you are one of God's kids through faith in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:26), then God's Word should  be applied even to what we choose to bring into any office.   

Also I hope the devots. can be applied to our personal lives.  I pray that I/we learn more from God's Word and see areas where I/we need to grow in everyday life.
Lastly, I have an urgent petition for Sister in Christ Asia Bibli who could be hanged in 3 days for her faith in Jesus,  if folks do not stand up for her.  Hebrews 13:13 says to remember those who are imporisioned as being bound with them.  Please consider signing and passing along. https://aclj.org/persecuted-church/save-christian-mom-asia-bibi-from-execution utm_medium=Email&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_campaign=d-10102016_top-PC_seg-RE_typ-PT
Lord bless your week!   
Remember the expression, "Honesty is the best policy?"  Where do we see it in Scripture?
Devot. http://www.icr.org/article/21283/316  (Used by permission.  Taken from http://www.icr.org/)

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