Monday, October 3, 2016

Devot. Building Muscles of Faith

Hi Folks,
I hope you had a great weekend!  Thanks for hanging on with me through this journey of spiritual growth.   I know it may not be easy to look inside and see what areas could or need to tweaked, but I'm sure you would agree that introspection is always worth it in the long run.    Hang in there with me, we are almost there!
Ok, so this week we are going to do some spiritual 'working out' and building up our spiritual muscles:)   The Lord reminded me very strongly  this past week as I worked with the teen girls in our youth group that just as Bible reading and prayer (what we call "Quiet Time") was important for their spiritual grounding and growth, it was just as important for me! !
This devot. will share how we can grow in spiritual strength. 
Pray you lean something new from Scripture that can be applied to life.
Lord bless you and yours this week!  

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