Monday, July 18, 2016

Petition: Fight Against Terrorism!

From the American Center for Law and Justice:


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Once again, the terrorists have attacked France.
The carnage is ghastly. Last night, a terrorist attack ripped through Nice, France on Bastille Day - France's independence day - slaughtering more than 75 people. The death toll is still rising.
The global jihad must be destroyed. The time is now for the world to unite to defeat the radical jihadists.

Sign the Petition Now
We've outlined a crucial 5-point plan to defeat ISIS (the Islamic State) and other jihadists: 1) Name the enemy: Islamic jihadists. 2) Fix our broken intelligence. 3) Ramp up undercover stings to smoke out jihadists at home. 4) Authorize military force against ISIS. 5) Unleash full U.S. military might to utterly destroy ISIS.
We're aggressively working in Congress and across the globe to implement this strategy.
The time is now.
We need your voice today before another deadly attack.
Sign Our Petition: Defeat and Destroy Radical Jihadists.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

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