Monday, July 18, 2016

News From the America Center for Law and Justice

Dear Reader,
As I have said previously in other posts, it's hard to believe the evil in the world, but it's true.
Please pray for resources to be given and the message received as you read the update below from the American Center for Law and Justice:
Thank you! ~Grace


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Christians are being massacred to the brink of extermination.
Now we're just 24 hours from a major moment in their defense.
ISIS (the Islamic State) has tortured and crucified children for refusing to renounce Christ - beheading and burning other Christians alive.
Even though we successfully pressured the Obama Administration to recognize this "genocide against Christians," it hasn't taken action. America has a legal obligation to act.
At the ACLJ, it's our sacred duty to act. We're expanding our largest legal advocacy campaign to protect Christians from jihadist genocide. We've directly engaged Congress, the U.N., and world leaders to implement the Genocide Convention: 1) stop the genocide and 2) protect Christians.
In just 24 hours, we're delivering a critical legal demand directly to the U.S. State Department. By law, it must respond and could force the Administration into action.
We can't continue this vital work without your tax-deductible support through our July Matching Challenge. Every gift will be doubled in defense of dying Christians.
Can you chip in $5 or more right now?
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

Contribute NowDouble Your Gift

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