Monday, May 4, 2015

Devot. The Old Rugged-The Story

Dear Friends,
I hope you have had a safe, healthy and blessed week!
Since we have been looking at the verses and meaning of The Old Rugged Cross, I thought I would find the history behind the hymn.   A hymn, a song of the faith from log ago, always has a deeper meaning to me when I know what inspired the author to wrote it and how it impacted his life.
Below is the story behind The Old Rugged Cross.  It gives serious food for thought regarding the meaning of the Cross, so please think about it as you read. 
On another note,  I am also including a link petitioning again for the release of Pastor Saeed and other Americans who are imprisoned in Iran.  Please sign and pass along!
There is a article about the talks w/ Iran and how it affects Pastor Saeed, a letter from his wife on the main screen and the petition is on the right side of the screen if you scroll down a bit.  He is a brother in Christ, so please stand with him.   (Scripture link, Devot. below)

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