Saturday, May 30, 2015

Devot Lest Thou Forget

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a very blessed day with your families on Memorial Day!
I was thinking over a few things yesterday and how to share what is on my heart.
Memorial Day is a day to spend time without family and friends and relax, but it is also a day to remember
The word 'Memorial' as a noun means "something designed to preserve the memory of a person, event, etc., as a monument or a holiday."
As an adjective it means "preserving the memory of a person or thing; commemorative: "  (
 There are days in our nation's history that should be remembered.  I consider Memorial Day to rank up with 9/11 in that we must "Never Forget"
those who had/have the bravery to serve our country in order that our nation and families remain safe from terror (unlike our brothers and sisters overseas who live in countries where they and their families have terror in their backyards and are dying for their faith).   
These folks have done what I have not been bold  enough to do-enlist and serve my country and fellow citizens knowing that I may been called to give my life in order that others might live.    The food for thought on my church's bulletin Sunday said, "Freedom is not free.  All gave some, but some gave all." 
Our service men and women give up so much (family time, weddings, b'days, seeing kids grow up, their lives sometimes). I have seen this first hand as my best friend from high school takes over the raising of their children while her husband serves.   
 Whatever 'side of the aisle' you are on when it comes to your view of military service, we are one; we are brothers and sisters because of relationship with Jesus.
But Memorial Day is a day to remember bravery, sacrifice and courage and it shouldn't be forgotten.  It has kept us safe and these traits are threaded through our nation's history.
If you or a loved has served, 'thank you" and if a loved one is serving, thank you for giving up time with them so that they can protect me and my family.  I am grateful.  
 I have included a very touching news article I just saw this week.   It was a huge blessing to me and I pray it touches your heart as well.  I have also included a very important petition to free two imprisoned pastors (overseas).  Their trial is in 3 days and they need voices crying for their release.  Please sign and pass along.
Article, Devot. and petition is below.
Lord bless and keep safe you and your families this weekend.
 Devot. (Used by permission. Taken from

Friday, May 15, 2015

Devot. Grace for Grace

Dear Friends,

I hope you had had an awesome week!
After a conversation I had with someone last night, I was reminded about God's grace.
Something He gave us which we as sinners do not deserve in any way. 
He has given it to us, we have not earned it nor ever can in any way.
I found this devot. and it ministered to my heart.  I love the word "Grace" and how it is
used in Scripture and a salutation and blessing upon someone and as something God gives to us.    I also found a song that explains God's grace and from a Bible perspective.
and included the Scripture, 1 John 1:9,10, 2:1-2, that is the basis for this song.
Lord send you and your His peace, grace and protection this weekend!
Devot. (Used by permission. Taken from
Scripture: 1 John 1:9-10 and 2 :1-2
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.   My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:And he is the propitiation ("an atoning sacrifice"- for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.:"  (Scripture used by permission.  Taken from

Monday, May 4, 2015

Devot. The Old Rugged-The Story

Dear Friends,
I hope you have had a safe, healthy and blessed week!
Since we have been looking at the verses and meaning of The Old Rugged Cross, I thought I would find the history behind the hymn.   A hymn, a song of the faith from log ago, always has a deeper meaning to me when I know what inspired the author to wrote it and how it impacted his life.
Below is the story behind The Old Rugged Cross.  It gives serious food for thought regarding the meaning of the Cross, so please think about it as you read. 
On another note,  I am also including a link petitioning again for the release of Pastor Saeed and other Americans who are imprisoned in Iran.  Please sign and pass along!
There is a article about the talks w/ Iran and how it affects Pastor Saeed, a letter from his wife on the main screen and the petition is on the right side of the screen if you scroll down a bit.  He is a brother in Christ, so please stand with him.   (Scripture link, Devot. below)

Devot. I Will Ever Be True/Pastor Saeed Letter/Petition

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a super week  The devot. for today is the last verse of "The Old Rugged Cross."  This song is one of my dad's favorite hymns and the message is thought provoking for me in describing what our Saviour went through for us.  Pray it is a blessing!  Lord bless your weekend with His peace, presence and protection on you and yours.   
I am also including a link to a letter that details what Pastor Saeed endures on a daily basis.   If you scroll down about half way, under "Latest in Persecuted Church" the letter is there.
Somewhere on the site is also a article about the talks w/ Iran and how it affects Pastor Saeed, a letter from his wife and the petition is on the right side of the screen if you scroll down a bit.  Under "Petitions" you can sign a petition calling for Pastor's Saeed's release and how his release HAS TO COME BEFORE a deal with Iran.  He is a brother in Christ, so please stand with him (Hebrews 13:3, "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body."
Taken from  Used by permission.)

Devot. Stained with Blood So Divine

Dear Friends,
I pray you had a blessed weekend and a good start to your week!  The devot. for today focuses on the 3rd verse of the hymn, The Old Rugged Cross.  Pray it is a blessing!  Lord bless and keep you and yours this week.  

Devot. Catch Up!

Dear Friend,s
I'm sorry it's been a few weeks since the last time I posted.
Life has been nutty, but good:)
I am going to post the last couple of devots. regarding the hymn, The Old Rugged Cross and then
move you to  the topic I am currently on-Justification.
Pray the next couple of devots. are a blessing and feel free to cut, copy the link and fw it to someone!