Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Devot. A Heritage of Thanksgiving

Dear Friends,
I hope you all had a peaceful weekend! Well Thanksgiving is this week!  Where did the time go?
The devot. for today is a bit of a refresher in the history of our country.
I read a statement online this week that said Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. 
 I agree in one way and beg to differ in another way.
I agree that Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday.  At least it is not celebrated in that way by many at this point in our country.  I say this with deep sadness. I do agree though that at one point in our nation's history it was a time when family's reflected on God's blessings, realizing from Whom "all blessings flow" (words from a hymn) and they offered up heartfelt thanks  to the Lord around the Thanksgiving table. 
 I also wanted to state that at the heart of the first Thanksgiving was 'religion.' The Pilgrims came to this country from a distant land so that they could worship as they pleased without the penalty of persecution.  They wanted to go to the church of their choice, worship God from their hearts.  not go to a specific church because it was the law of their country and worship God based on traditions and rituals of that church or country's religion.   
At the first Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims decided to give thanks for even the little bit they had.
They had survived a very hard winter, lose of loved ones due to starvation and yet they wanted to thank God for the meager provisions they had, the friendship of their new Indian neighbors and the fact they lived to make it to another day in their new country.
 As I said last week, we should be mindful, thankful, and prayerful for what we do have-however little or much- as it is more than some. 
I also wanted to share something neat, a statement that was a blessing to me.  My church had a Thanksgiving Praise service at my church yesterday-church service, hymns that were Thanksgiving in theme, a traditional Thanksgiving meal afterwards, and a chance to say in church what we were thankful for.  One lady who is new in church said that this was her first time to celebrate Thanksgiving!  She is from Australia and they do not celebrate it down there.  She really made me think when she said very fervently that she thinks every country should celebrate Thanksgiving as it is a time to set aside to really thank God for His blessings.  I think she is very true!
In closing, I pray this devot, would remind you of this history of Thanksgiving and give you a burden to share with your children, grandchildren the true meaning of this Thursday.  Based on curriculum in school now a days, they may not get the full story, esp. the spiritual side of the Pilgrims search for religious freedom which is what even led to the first Thanksgiving.
Please feel free to pass this devot. on as well.  Just please erase my email:)

May the Lord bless you and your family this Thanksgiving with His grace, and presence!  From my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!  (Devot. and song link below)

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