Saturday, August 30, 2014

Update on Pastor Saeed, Video from his children

Dear Friends,
Below is an update on Pastor Saeed and a video made by his precious children calling for his release.
Please sign the petition at the link that is given on the video, and please pass this along!
Pastor Saeed is an Iraqi but an  America citizen who was jailed for his faith in Christ almost two years ago next month.  Efforts have been made by the Congress and the Senate calling for his release from prison through Resolutions made by caring, compassionate congressmen and senators. 
One way you can help ensure his speedy release is by calling or emailing your congressman, senators and representatives and even the White House Comment line (number can be found online), asking them to take a public stand for Pastor Saeed, calling for his release.  God bless your efforts and keep praying for him and his beautiful, godly  family!
"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."  James 5:16


Video from his children:

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