Sunday, August 24, 2014

Devot. Know and Walk in Truth

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good, safe weekend!  The devot. for today is knowing The Truth as found in Scripture and then walking in such a way that reflects what you have learned from The Bible.  A lot of churches and preachers today will tell you want you want to hear, what is politically or socially acceptable, even things that are not in the Bible or have been 'tweaked' to be 'theologically correct' according to their human standards, compared to telling you what you need to hear, what the Bible says to be true,  and that will help you know what changes need to be made in order to live in a way that shows Christ has taken up residence in your life. 
2 Timothy 4:2-3 states, "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove ('to scold or correct usually gently or w/ kindly intent'),  rebuke ('to reprimand, strongly warn, restrain'), exhort (encourage) with all long suffering (patience) and doctrine (means 'teaching').  For the time will come when they (folks in this world) will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;"
(Reprove definition found on Merriam-Webster/ Rebuke definition found on

I know the truth can hurt sometimes, but just as an earthly parents has to show 'tough love' to their child by telling them the truth, so our Heavenly Father has to show
us tough love so we can spiritually mature and live in a way that pleases and reflect Him.  Remember that devot. last week on spiritually growing?
 I pray that what I said makes sense. We should base every shred of what we hear or have been told against God's Word and the Truth that has been stated by God Himself in there.
Pray you have a very blessed week!  (3 links below)
Devot.  (Used with permission)
Update on Crisis in Iraq and Israel:

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