Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Devot. Five Things to Do When God Provides An Opportunity

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a super weekend!  The devot. for today is very neat, and it spoke to my heart.
It's about taking a step of faith when God provides an opportunity in your life.  Maybe the Lord opens a door for you to go on a week long missions trip, or to help out in church more, or to apply for the job you have been praying for.  What should we do when we are uncertain about 'stepping out' and taking this wonderful, godly opportunity that is maybe an answer to prayer?
This devot. gives clear, Biblical principles on how we can proceed.  I pray it is a blessing!
Have a very blessed, Christ centered weekend! (3 Links below)
(Used by Permission as stated in website's Permission section.)
Scripture Links:
Petition and Update on Persecuted Believers Overseas: http://aclj.org/

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