Saturday, August 30, 2014

Update on Pastor Saeed, Video from his children

Dear Friends,
Below is an update on Pastor Saeed and a video made by his precious children calling for his release.
Please sign the petition at the link that is given on the video, and please pass this along!
Pastor Saeed is an Iraqi but an  America citizen who was jailed for his faith in Christ almost two years ago next month.  Efforts have been made by the Congress and the Senate calling for his release from prison through Resolutions made by caring, compassionate congressmen and senators. 
One way you can help ensure his speedy release is by calling or emailing your congressman, senators and representatives and even the White House Comment line (number can be found online), asking them to take a public stand for Pastor Saeed, calling for his release.  God bless your efforts and keep praying for him and his beautiful, godly  family!
"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."  James 5:16


Video from his children:

Devot. Knowledge of the Truth

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good, safe week!  The devot. for today is just a continuation of what we learned last time about  being aware of false Doctrine (teachings of man, not God), how the Scriptures contain our Guidebook of Truth and how the Doctrine (teachings) of the Bible are important to know so we can spiritually mature.
I pray this devot. is clear and gives you more spiritual wisdom. Have a Godly weekend! 
Scripture Link: Jesus said he was Truth itself!
Devot.  (Used by permission)
Updates on persecution of Believers in Iraq:
John 4:  (Keep reading, thinking and applying to your life those 5 verses of Scripture a day!)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Devot. Know and Walk in Truth

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good, safe weekend!  The devot. for today is knowing The Truth as found in Scripture and then walking in such a way that reflects what you have learned from The Bible.  A lot of churches and preachers today will tell you want you want to hear, what is politically or socially acceptable, even things that are not in the Bible or have been 'tweaked' to be 'theologically correct' according to their human standards, compared to telling you what you need to hear, what the Bible says to be true,  and that will help you know what changes need to be made in order to live in a way that shows Christ has taken up residence in your life. 
2 Timothy 4:2-3 states, "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove ('to scold or correct usually gently or w/ kindly intent'),  rebuke ('to reprimand, strongly warn, restrain'), exhort (encourage) with all long suffering (patience) and doctrine (means 'teaching').  For the time will come when they (folks in this world) will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;"
(Reprove definition found on Merriam-Webster/ Rebuke definition found on

I know the truth can hurt sometimes, but just as an earthly parents has to show 'tough love' to their child by telling them the truth, so our Heavenly Father has to show
us tough love so we can spiritually mature and live in a way that pleases and reflect Him.  Remember that devot. last week on spiritually growing?
 I pray that what I said makes sense. We should base every shred of what we hear or have been told against God's Word and the Truth that has been stated by God Himself in there.
Pray you have a very blessed week!  (3 links below)
Devot.  (Used with permission)
Update on Crisis in Iraq and Israel:

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Devot. Five Things to Do When God Provides An Opportunity

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a super weekend!  The devot. for today is very neat, and it spoke to my heart.
It's about taking a step of faith when God provides an opportunity in your life.  Maybe the Lord opens a door for you to go on a week long missions trip, or to help out in church more, or to apply for the job you have been praying for.  What should we do when we are uncertain about 'stepping out' and taking this wonderful, godly opportunity that is maybe an answer to prayer?
This devot. gives clear, Biblical principles on how we can proceed.  I pray it is a blessing!
Have a very blessed, Christ centered weekend! (3 Links below)
(Used by Permission as stated in website's Permission section.)
Scripture Links:
Petition and Update on Persecuted Believers Overseas:

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Devot. Walking By Faith

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good week! The devot. for today is on walking with the Lord everyday by faith.   As we find freedom in Christ to live our lives out of a love for, devotion and gratitude to and  Him, we grow and spiritually mature.
 1 Peter 2:2 refers to those who have newly accepted the Lord Jesus as "babes in Christ."  "As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word,(Word is the Bible) that ye may grow thereby:  If so be ye have tasted that  the Lord is gracious."  
 A newborn is not educated in any matter, but he grows and matures through drinking nourishing milk first.   Baby Christians, when first saved, do not know how a Christian should talk, dress, act, speak, what movies, tv shows or books are not godly.  As they study and read The Word, the Lord will begin to educate them on how to live in a way that pleases Him and in a way that will show a difference has been made in their lives, He has moved in and become the Guide and Commander of their life.  
A baby Christian's education may start out with just 'milk'- simple details like how the world was created, people in the Bible and then progress to 'spiritual meat" like deeper Bible truths on the Rapture and events that will take place in the End Times as predicted in Revelation.
This is a growing process and should be taking place everyday, just as a newborn should be growing everyday. One way is by reading The Word, as I've encouraged you to read a bit of John everyday.  Just like a dr. will worry if a newborn is not growing properly, so we should be worried if we are not growing spiritually.
The devot. below is short, by encouraging.  Please read it carefully.  I pray you grow in the Lord this weekend!  (4 links below)

(Devot. Used by Permission based on Copyright and Permissions info. on their website.)

Scripture Link:

Petition to stop the slaughter of Christians in Iraq!  Please take a stand for our fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ and sign the petition:


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Devot. The Simplicity of Salavation

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a good week!
The devot. for today is a spin off of our last devot. "Freedom in Christ."
This devot. is a good reminder that we only needed to trust Jesus as our
way to get to Heaven, not our own goodness.
This is also a good one to send to someone that needs to know Jesus as their Saviour
and send them to the blog, esp. the "Are You Saved" tab
I pray you have a very blessed weekend and pass this along!
P.S. The devot. is below, I have included John 2 and the commentary notes that highlight certain verses of the chapter and a note from me.
I would esp. pay attent. to John 2:10 and it's commentary note.   Many people think this verse condones wine and other alcoholic drinks, but Scripture states the exact opposite. Prov. 20:1 is one verse that shows the effects of an intoxicating beverage.   From the studies/ bks. I read in Bible college, in Bible days 8-10 parts water were mixed with 2-3 parts wine.  This was a means of killing bacteria in water, filtrating it,  as no elaborate filtration systems were in place in Bible days.   It was like a weak beer, weak enough to not be intoxicating but strong enough to kill bad bacteria.  'Wine' was also used for upset stomach issues- 1 Tim. 5:23- pain killers- Prov. 31:6-7- and a small amount was used as an anti-depressant- Ps. 104:15.  Depending on the contest is was also a reference to fresh grape juice, non-fermented.  Read the commentary note, it is very accurate and insightful!