Sunday, May 11, 2014

Devot. Nothing But the Blood

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a blessed, safe week and Happy Mom's Day!
The devot. for today is the story behind the hymn "Nothing But the Blood." 
It gives the Scriptural bases for the message of the hymn.  I have also included a video link that is very good.  It is the sermon that behind one of last week's devots.- The Precious Blood of Jesus.  It isn't extremely long, but it is powerful. 
I have heard bits and pieces of it and would be HIGHLY ENCOURAGE YOU to PLEASE listen to it this weekend, or if you can't fw this email to a personal/home email, listen to bits of it over your lunch breaks next week. The message is simple, but powerful!

May the Lord richly bless and protect you and your loved ones this week with His peace, presence and provision and may He be in the center of all you do!  (Devot., sermon link below).

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