Dear Friends,
I hope you had a blessed weekend! The devot. for today is answering the
question, "Why is Jesus' Blood So Important?"
Old Testament Background: Do you remember that during the last night the
Israelites were in Egypt, they had to sprinkle the blood of a male lamb on their doorpost? (Ex. 12:7,22) When the Lord saw the blood, He would pass by
those homes covered in blood (hence the name 'Passover'- Ex. 12:11, 27) sparing the first born sons of the household of Israel (Ex. 12:12-14,
Maybe you remember seeing this scene in Cecil B. DeMille's The Ten
Commandments. (The only part they misinterpreted is that each family had to do this for their family, they couldn't do this on behalf of
someone else.)
The lamb had to be 'perfect' in the sense of no blemishes or deformities.
They Israelites even had to keep the lamb nearby by for 4 days before killing it to make sure it was truly healthy and well. Only the
best could be offered. (Ex. 12:3-6) Seeing the blood of this perfect lamb was
enough in God's eyes for Him to pass over the Israelites.
New Testament Background: Jesus is symbolically represented as a Lamb
"without blemish and spot" (1 Peter 1:19), as He is God and perfect (Heb.
Isaiah 53:7, another Messianic chapter says that just as a lamb goes to
peacefully and unknowingly to slaughter, Jesus went to the cross and didn't say
a word.
(Sheep don't put up a fight going to the slaughter house, they go
peacefully. Jesus went to be our Sacrifice and did so without complaint,
fight. He did so willingly because He knew it was the only way the sin debt of the world, our personal
sins, could be paid.)
Jesus blood is precious (1 Peter 1:19), "of high price or great value; very
valuable or costly" ( because His was holy, perfect
blood. The only thing that could pay mankind's sin debt in full (It Is Finished"- Jn. 19:30) and
redeem them from paying for their sin apart form Him for all eternity (1 Pet.
1:18, Heb. 9:19-22-Neat! NT vs. that describes the OT Exodus account of the
Passover). The only thing that saves us is having Jesus blood applied to our
lives in a personal, heart way by receiving Him!
I know that was a bit of a brain workout, but I had to give you the
background of this topic in order for the devot. to make sense. I pray you have a blessed and Christ
focused week! (4 links below)
Scripture Link:
(man's means of getting to Heaven, i.e. 'religion,' church, good works, verses
Christ's redeeming, finished work on the cross that paid for our sins.)
Also a
video link on the same topic. Watch bits and pieces through out the week. It's
VERY good!
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