Thursday, April 24, 2014

Devot. Gambling at Calvary

Dear Friends,
I hope you all had a blessed Resurrection Day with your families!
Until the end of April, I'm going to try and do a few "Resurrection Devots."
I have found some really good ones and wanted to share them with you.
The one for today is on the Roman soldiers gambling over Jesus' cloths at Calvary.
The Scripture that is used at the beginning of the devot., Psalm 22, was written 1,000
plus years before crucifixion was even invented.  Because of this important fact, Psalm 22
is referred to as a Messianic Psalm- a passage of Scripture that prophesied the qualifications for
the coming Messiah (Saviour) or what would happen to Him before it happened.
Only God could know something like that and this wisdom was passed down to Scribes to write for future a testimony, validity (2 Pet. 2:19-21, 2 Tim. 3:16).
I pray that even though we have passed Resurrection week, you will continue to reflect on all that Jesus did- just for you.    Have a blessed week!  
Scripture Link: (compare to Ps. 22:1, 6-8, 14-18 esp. in comparison to this passage in Matthew.   Actions in Matt. match prophecy in Ps. 22)

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