Friday, April 11, 2014

Devot. Palm Sunday Reflections

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a blessed, Christ centered week!
The devot. today are some reflections on Palm Sunday. I could easily relate to this devot. and I pray it will minister to you as well.
I would encourage you to go to church on Palm Sunday (every Sunday really, but if you aren't in the  habit, start!). 
It is the beginning of a week of remembering what our Saviour did for us and Palm Sunday  is a joyful start to the week. 
If you can't get out to go to church because of sickness or something of that nature, the following link live streams their services and I would highly encourage you to 'tune in.'
(This particular church is also having their Easter performance, The Living Cross, this Sunday, Tues. Thurs. and Fri. @ 7 PM. I know of folks who have been to it and said the music and drama are very professional, powerful and they wouldn't miss it.  The church may live stream it, so keep checking this link on those days!)
I pray you have a blessed weekend!
(One of my fav. songs during Palm/Resurrection week!  "Jehovah is.... the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible, which has also been transcribed as 'Yehowah' or 'Yahweh.'  (
Jehovah is a reverent, high name for God!


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