Sunday, April 27, 2014

Devot. The Precious Blood of Christ

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a blessed weekend!  The devot. for today is answering the question, "Why is Jesus' Blood So Important?"
Old Testament Background:  Do you remember that during the last night the Israelites were in Egypt, they had to sprinkle the blood of a male lamb on their doorpost? (Ex. 12:7,22)  When the Lord saw the blood, He would pass by those homes covered in blood (hence the name 'Passover'- Ex. 12:11, 27) sparing the first born sons of the household of Israel (Ex. 12:12-14, 22-24).
Maybe you remember seeing this scene in Cecil B. DeMille's  The Ten Commandments.  (The only part they misinterpreted is that each family  had to do this for their family, they couldn't  do this on behalf of someone else.)
The lamb had to be 'perfect' in the sense of no blemishes or deformities.  They Israelites even had to keep the lamb nearby by for 4 days before killing it to make sure it was truly healthy and well.  Only the best could be offered.  (Ex. 12:3-6)  Seeing the blood of this perfect lamb was enough  in God's eyes for Him to pass over the Israelites.
New Testament Background:  Jesus is symbolically represented as a Lamb "without blemish and spot" (1 Peter 1:19), as He is God and perfect (Heb. 4:15).
Isaiah 53:7, another Messianic chapter says that just as a lamb goes to peacefully and unknowingly to slaughter, Jesus went to the cross and didn't say a word.
(Sheep don't put up a fight going to the slaughter house, they go peacefully.  Jesus went to be our Sacrifice and did so without complaint, fight.  He did so willingly because He knew it was the only way the sin debt of the world, our personal sins, could be paid.)
Jesus blood is precious (1 Peter 1:19), "of high price or great value; very valuable or costly" ( because His was holy, perfect blood.  The only thing that could pay mankind's  sin debt in full (It Is Finished"- Jn. 19:30) and redeem them from paying for their sin apart form Him for all eternity (1 Pet. 1:18, Heb. 9:19-22-Neat!  NT vs. that describes the OT Exodus account of the Passover).  The only thing that saves us is having Jesus blood applied to our lives in a personal, heart way by receiving Him!
I know that was a bit of a brain workout, but I had to give you the background of this topic in order for the devot. to make sense.    I pray you have a blessed and Christ focused week!  (4 links below)
Scripture Link:  (man's means of getting to Heaven, i.e. 'religion,' church, good works, verses Christ's redeeming, finished work on the cross that paid for our sins.) 
Also a video link on the same topic.  Watch bits and pieces through out the week.  It's VERY good!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Devot. Gambling at Calvary

Dear Friends,
I hope you all had a blessed Resurrection Day with your families!
Until the end of April, I'm going to try and do a few "Resurrection Devots."
I have found some really good ones and wanted to share them with you.
The one for today is on the Roman soldiers gambling over Jesus' cloths at Calvary.
The Scripture that is used at the beginning of the devot., Psalm 22, was written 1,000
plus years before crucifixion was even invented.  Because of this important fact, Psalm 22
is referred to as a Messianic Psalm- a passage of Scripture that prophesied the qualifications for
the coming Messiah (Saviour) or what would happen to Him before it happened.
Only God could know something like that and this wisdom was passed down to Scribes to write for future a testimony, validity (2 Pet. 2:19-21, 2 Tim. 3:16).
I pray that even though we have passed Resurrection week, you will continue to reflect on all that Jesus did- just for you.    Have a blessed week!  
Scripture Link: (compare to Ps. 22:1, 6-8, 14-18 esp. in comparison to this passage in Matthew.   Actions in Matt. match prophecy in Ps. 22)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Devot. Christ Our Passover

Dear Friends,

 I pray you have had a blessed week!

The devot. for today shows the Jewish Passover in relation to the Lord's Supper. 
My pastor went over this Bible truth this past  Wed. night at church and it was a blessing.
Pray that the Lord fills you with joy this Resurrection Sunday!


Friday, April 11, 2014

Devot. Palm Sunday Reflections

Dear Friends,
I hope you had a blessed, Christ centered week!
The devot. today are some reflections on Palm Sunday. I could easily relate to this devot. and I pray it will minister to you as well.
I would encourage you to go to church on Palm Sunday (every Sunday really, but if you aren't in the  habit, start!). 
It is the beginning of a week of remembering what our Saviour did for us and Palm Sunday  is a joyful start to the week. 
If you can't get out to go to church because of sickness or something of that nature, the following link live streams their services and I would highly encourage you to 'tune in.'
(This particular church is also having their Easter performance, The Living Cross, this Sunday, Tues. Thurs. and Fri. @ 7 PM. I know of folks who have been to it and said the music and drama are very professional, powerful and they wouldn't miss it.  The church may live stream it, so keep checking this link on those days!)
I pray you have a blessed weekend!
(One of my fav. songs during Palm/Resurrection week!  "Jehovah is.... the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible, which has also been transcribed as 'Yehowah' or 'Yahweh.'  (
Jehovah is a reverent, high name for God!


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Devot. A Focused Mind

Dear Friends,

I hope you have had a blessed week.  This today is on 'transforming' our minds (Rom. 12:1-2), having our minds be re-made, being given the 'mind of Christ' (1 Cor. 2:16).
I heard a pastor say that whatever you focus on will be what brings you peace or lack of peace.  Philippians 4:7 states, "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding,  shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." 
 The only way your heart and mind will be at peace and be keep safely and at rest by Jesus Himself, is by thinking about Him and deeply, frequently, not on Sundays, but every day!  This is what will help you keep your sanity and peace though your most troublesome days. 
I hope the devot. below speaks to your heart and the song is a special comfort, blessing to you as it has been though my life. 
 Lord bless your weekend with His Peace and presence!
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Today's Turning Point
A Focused Mind

"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."  Phil. 4:7

Recommended Reading
Hebrews 3:1-6
In his commentary on Hebrews, Kent Hughes tells about a brilliant mathematician, Norbert Wiener, who was walking across the campus of M.I.T. in deep thought. His concentration was so great he didn't respond when greeted by a student. But a moment later, he turned and asked the student, "Pardon me, could you tell me which way I came from?" The student pointed and said, "That way." "Thanks," said the professor. "Now I know I've had lunch!"

We're seldom so focused of mind that we lose track of our surroundings, but the Bible does tell us to devote intense concentration to thinking on spiritual things. Christians must learn to use their minds to ponder who God is, what He has said in His Word, and the majesty of our calling to be His disciples. We must learn to fix our thoughts on Him, to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and to think on things that are excellent and praiseworthy.

He will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on Him (Isaiah 26:3).

Fixing our thoughts on Jesus requires time, for true reflection cannot happen with a glance. No one can see the beauty of the country as he hurries through it on the interstate.
R. Kent Hughes

Joshua 1-4
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