Monday, January 24, 2022

Devot. The New Year

 Hi Folks!

I hope you had a very blessed Christmas remembering our Savior's birth and a very good start to the New Year!

My theme for this month for us will be starting fresh, hitting restart on our lives-physically and spiritually.   I feel that the New Year is a blessing from God in our lives to have a fresh start, a brand new slate to start over!

I found a quote this week that said, "When God gives you a new beginning, don't repeat the same mistakes." 

Philippians 3:13-14 states, ..." this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

We are to forget the things that were in the past (mistakes, failures) and strive towards, reach for  the things that are ahead for a prize-God's calling in our lives.   I have heard many Christ Followers say to me that when they reach Heaven at the end of their life they want to hear Jesus say to them,  "Well done, good and faithful servant;.." (Matt. 25:23)

Below are 2 devots. to start off the New Year- reflecting on and remembering how faithful God has been to you this past year and then preparing yourself spiritually for all that God has ahead of you this year.

Have a blessed week! 

(Used by permission.  Taken from


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