Hello Folks
I hope you had a good week!
I was reflecting the last few days on how much a mother does-how much responsibility she has, has much she does to keep her home running, family well taken care of, kids educated, and how much she gives up (of time, sleep, self care, time to herself, patience). You ladies really give of yourselves!
I was also thinking of the spiritual impact a mom can have on her kids. There is a story in the NT of a young man named Timothy. He became an incredible, godly man and preacher to one of the early churches. His decision to accept Jesus as Savior and his sincere faith in Him is credited to his grandmother and mother coming to Christ first and then sharing that with him-they made an eternal difference in his life! (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+tim.+1%3A5&version=NKJV)
I can think of the godly influence of my own mom. One memory stands out from my teen years that I will forever remember : Waking up early one morning to find my mom praying and reading her Bible in her room, as the sun streamed down on her. What an example she has consistently set for me of making daily time with Jesus!
So whether you are a biological, adoptive, foster care or 'spiritual mom', biological or adoptive 'auntie', 'sister' or mentor, each of you ladies can make a tremendous spiritual impact for Jesus on the life of someone around you and you are celebrated and greatly appreciated this weekend!
I have a variety of devots. below for the ladies to choose from and I would say the last 2 could be for you guys as you learn how to pray for the ladies who are in your life.
Lord bless each of you ladies this week!
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." Prov. 30:31
Arise and Called Her Blessed: (LOVED this one!!)
(Used by permission. Taken from https://www.icr.org/)
(Devots. below used by permission and taken from https://www.dayspring.com/)
The Legacy of a Christian Mom:
Arise and Called Her Blessed: (LOVED this one!!)
When Mother's Day is Difficult:
Finding Gratitude in the Trenches of Motherhood:
Encouraging Friends Through the Seasons of Motherhood:
A Prayer for Overwhelmed Mothers:
Ways to Encourage Young Moms:
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