Monday, May 31, 2021

Devot. Memorial Day

 HI Folks,

I hope you had a very blessed day with family and friends!!  

As we close out this Memorial Day, please remember to say a prayer for military families-those who have loved ones serving,  and those who have lost loved ones in the line of duty.

I remember reading an article by a military mom a few years ago.  She said that while most families use this day for picnics, barbecues and fireworks, this is a day for military families to mourn, to remember those they have loved and lost. 

I saw a Facebook post over the weekend with a quote similar to what I said above, that Memorial Day is not about picnics and fireworks, but the essence is remembering those who have lost their lives in order that we might be free. With the quote it had pictures of men and women, standing, kneeling and on the ground in a fetal position by grave markers as they cried over the loss of a military loved one.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "“Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them.”

It was a poignant reminder for me..... May we remember and pass that reminder onto the young ones in our lives....

So please join me in lifting up a prayer for these special families this week, as I'm sure today and this week will not be easy for them....

Below is a Memorial Day devot. and a song for you...

I pray you have a blessed day and week!

Scriptures for Your Memorial Day:
(Used by permission.  Taken from

A Song with a Good Patriotic Reminder:

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Devot. You Are Not Alone

 Hi Folks,

I hope you had a good weekend!  

I was thinking today of those I know and care about who are struggling in various ways-whether with serious health issues themselves or those they love or other issues of the heart.  I was reflecting that we all have days, weeks, months when we are not 'OK' and you know?? That is ok......God knows your struggle, you are not alone even if you feel like it.  He promises to be with us and never leave, "For He Himself (God Himself!) has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

The Lord knows your heart better than you do, He is there when you are ready to un-burden on Him, He can handle it as well and it is ok to be real with Him and those around you who care about you.  

I pray that the devot. below 'hits the spot' for you or it would be timely to pass onto someone you know who could use a word from God to boost their week.  
Lord bless and keep you! 

(Used by permission.  Taken from

 "God sometimes takes us into troubled waters, not to drown us but to cleanse us"  (Toby Mac #speaklife)

"When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee."  Isaiah 43:2

Devot. Mother's Day

    Hello Folks

I hope you had a good week!  

I was reflecting the last few days on how much a mother does-how much responsibility she has,  has much she does to keep her home running, family well taken care of, kids educated, and how much she gives up (of time, sleep,  self care, time to herself, patience).  You ladies really give of yourselves!  

I was also thinking of the spiritual impact a mom can have on her kids.   There is a story in the NT of a young man named Timothy.  He became an incredible, godly man and preacher to one of the early churches.  His decision to accept Jesus as Savior and his sincere  faith in Him is credited to his grandmother and mother coming to Christ first and then sharing that with him-they made an eternal difference in his life! (

I can think of the godly influence of my own mom.  One memory stands out from my teen years that I will forever remember : Waking up early one morning to find my mom praying and reading her Bible in her room, as the sun streamed down on her.   What an example she has consistently set for me of making daily time with Jesus!

So whether you are a biological, adoptive, foster care or 'spiritual mom', biological or adoptive 'auntie', 'sister' or mentor, each of you ladies can make a tremendous spiritual impact for Jesus on the life of someone around you and you are celebrated and greatly appreciated this weekend!

I have a variety of devots. below for the ladies to choose from and I would say the last 2 could be for you guys as you learn how to pray for the ladies who are in your life.  

Lord bless each of you ladies this week!

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." Prov. 30:31

Arise and Called Her Blessed: (LOVED this one!!)
(Used by permission.  Taken from

(Devots. below used by permission and taken from

The Legacy of a Christian Mom:

Arise and Called Her Blessed: (LOVED this one!!)

When Mother's Day is Difficult: 

Finding Gratitude in the Trenches of Motherhood:

Encouraging Friends Through the Seasons of Motherhood:

Devot. When Our Plans Doesn't Go As Planned

   Hi Folks,

   I hope you have had a great week!   

I was thinking this week of how life does not go according to our plans, hopes and dreams.  That has been the story of life for the last 3 years and yet, I have seen God's faithfulness, how He can work things out in incredible ways when I 
give an impossible or heartbreaking, disappointing situation into His hands.

My mom reminds me when these days come of Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."
Because God is faithful and never wishes our harm (Satan does, he is called 'a thief' who comes to steal and destroy verses God who came to bring us life more abundantly-John 10:10), we can KNOW that ALL THINGS work for our good, and specifically to those who LOVE GOD. 

I have a devot., song and sermon that I think are really good for this week and that all tie in together. 

I would most esp. urge you to listen to the sermon which is on Romans 8:28 (seeing that God can work in the midst of uncertainty) and the music beforehand.  The sermon was just what I needed this past weekend and it really encouraged my heart! 

The young woman who sings right before the pastor preaches is a true, goldy example of trusting that "all things work together" for good.  Her and her husband have an almost 1 year old that has been in and out of the hospital since her birth.  The song this young woman sings is powerful in the lyrics but the heart she puts into the song shows she KNOWS God will work things out for their good!  Another big blessing to my heart!

Again, please take a listen to both through this next week and if you feel like "I don't have time, I'm too busy", listen to it while driving t0/from work, errands, washing dishes, making dinner, folding laundry, out jogging, mowing the lawn, gardening, checking emails, watching your kid's softball practice or decompressing before bed.  There are ways to make spiritual use of the mundane we have in everyday life if we wish! :).   I lastly included an extra song that I have been playing constantly this week as a way to encourage myself. 

Pray you have a blessed week!

When Our Plans Don't Go as Planned:
(Used by permission.  Taken from

Sermon:  Romans 8:28
(Turn in at 15:25 for the music beforehand and then the sermon)

Extra Song: Thy Will Be Done:

 "God sometimes takes us into troubled waters, not to drown us but to cleanse us"  (Toby Mac #speaklife)
"When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee."  Isaiah 43:2