I hope you are having a good week!!
I was pondering 2 verses over the the weekend in regards to the state of our county at this time.
"Righteousness (right living, godliness) exalts a nation, But sin is a [a]reproach to any people." Proverbs 14:34
"Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before [a]a fall." Proverbs 16:18
I have been pondering the of lack of 'righteousness' we see in our country, have seen for a very long time. I was also reflecting on how a general spirit of pride exists as well and on many fronts, whether it be political or personal.
When the pandemic first started, it seemed that a spirit of looking out for the welfare and safety of others existed, political differences and race were put aside and folks came together to beat Covid and look out for each other.
I read many stories of younger folks giving older folks groceries out of their own grocery carts, a mom and daughter working together to do grocery runs for neighbors or anyone in need. I am not seeing this as much anymore....
What I am seeing is folks who are looking out for their own selves, not caring if they endanger anyone's health by their actions, having a spirit of pride ("You can't tell me what to do!") verses a spirit of humility ("What can I do to consider your health, keep you safe well even ahead of my own self?").
The only ones who do seem to exhibit this to a noticeable degree in news headlines are our amazing Frontline Heros and a few other brave souls.
Phillippians 2:3 states, "Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself."
The verse above from Proverbs states that a spirit of pride is a precursor to destruction/ retribution for that attitude and superior attitude leads to one being 'taken down a few notches.' The verse from Phillippians encourages the exact opposite attitude- doing for others out of a spirit of humility.
My challenge to us this week is to look at ourselves and see how we can look out for others (outside of our own families), by our actions when out in public places, our words on social media and our attitudes as we go about our days.
Ask ourselves:
~I am acting in pride/not caring for others OR in humility/looking out for those I do not even know that will be affected by my actions (We are not an island, our actions do affect others.)
~Am I needing to be right in a certain area or am I handling this with a kind spirit? (I am speaking to myself on both of these questions.)
It is said of Jesus in Phillipians 2:7, "But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:" God Himself took on the form, life and heart of a servant in order that He might reach the ones He came to save. How different our country would look right now if we took that attitude, but we can begin that change starting with us .....
I pray the devots. are a blessing to you...I found 4 that were practical, helpful and encouraging and I pray you would be boosted by whichever one you pick. May we ask the Lord this week how we can become more like Him in our daily lives and interactions. Lord bless and keep you and yours!
The Sin of Pride:
Pride Goes Before Destruction:
Humbled and Exalted:
Protection from Pride:
~ ~ "If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." ~ ~ (Ronald Regan)