Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Devot. The Powerfulness of Passover in Light of Covid-19

Hi Folks,
I hope you are staying well and having a good week!

This week definitely does not feel like Holy Week.  No good Friday Service, no Resurrection Sunday Am service.  But even though this week does not feel any different than any other week, the meaning and significance of the week is not diminished.   (In addition to this devot., I will be emailing later with some Easter resources for the entire family (kids to adults) and I hope it is helpful.)  

This week, I struggled with what topic to focus on and then the Lord gave me an idea: Passover.  Let me explain. 

Tonight is Passover, which will be celebrated by Jews and Jews who believe in Jesus all across the world.  We see a record of Passover in the Old and New Testament.  In Exodus 12, we see God command Moses how to prepare this first Passover meal.  The Israelites were to prepare a perfect, unblemished lamb a certain way, prepare bitter herbs and to bake unleavened bread.

One of the very major parts of this new celebration was that the blood from the spotless lamb be painted on the doorposts and lintels on their home with hyssop (in the Bible, hyssop was a symbol  of spiritual cleansing) so that the Angel of Death would "pass over" their homes and spare the lives of their first born sons from the pestilence of death that God would send into Egypt.    (This was God's final warning sign to Pharaoh that He better release His people, the people of Israel, from bondage so that they go and freely serve the Lord!).  This was a 'memorial' that the Israelites were to observe and practice at a certain time, every year, forever (Ex. 12:24).

Now to the New Testament.  We see "the passover" In the New Testament in Matthew 26:17-29, Mark 14:12-25, Luke 22:7-38 and 1 Corinthians 11:23-25 .  Did you know that..."what we call the "Last Supper" is actually the Passover meal celebration.  Because timing is based on Jewish time, the meal would have started just after sunset on Thursday and went late into the evening."  (Quote by Pastor G. Wilt). 

Now, there are two devots. below that share simply and clearly how the Old and New Testament parallel and it is important.
Scripture states that Jesus was a fulfillment of Old Testament Scripture that a 
"Lamb" (symbolic word and meaning) would come and die to cover the sins of the world.    (Sigh) much I wish I could go into, but the devots. are below (please look at both through this next week).  

I also have something very unique.   A Messianic friend of mine (A Jewish person who believes that Jesus was Messiah, the Saviour of the world, not just a good teacher or prophet) emailed me two news links regarding Passover.   One showed a correlation between the pink supermoon that will be coming up tonight and shows that it was prophesied in the book of Isaiah!  The 2nd link shows an amazing correlation between Covid-19 happening right now and how it closely parallel the events surrounding the 1st Passover.   Read them and I think you will be amazed.  God is trying to get through to people at this time!

Lastly, I have a link that shows what Passover is about, what it entails, the symbolism of the meal.  One of my favorite Messianic musicians will be going live tonight at 8PM via Facebook and Youtube to host a Passover meal (called a "Seder").  I would encourage you to watch or go back on youtube and watch if you have never seen this done.  Very powerful how the details of the 1st Passover match the Last Supper and what it all means.    

I pray you all have a blessed evening!  (Will email with Easter resources for your families soon!). Blessings!


Exodus 12 Passover Passage: 

Lamb of God:

Christ Our Passover:
(Devotionals used by permission.  Taken from

News Articles: 

Watch Passover Dinner Live:

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