Hi Folks,
I saw something very neat on Instagram tonight and wanted to pass along in hopes you would consider posting to Facebook or other online platforms as you can.
A church that I follow via Instagram had a online fundraiser started by one of their members who is a mother and an ER dr. at John Hopkins in Baltimore MD.
She is raising funds via a tee shirt she is dubbing "Essential Worker" (or can be changed to "Essential Homebody") to help Meals on Wheels, The Global Food Bank, and even their own neighbors in their community via their church's benevolence fund who are effected by Covid-19. 100% of what is raised will go to folks in need!
(I have seen how this dr's. church is actively and tangibly helping their community with groceries, toilet paper and even financially just because they want to help and share the love Christ and I am quite impressed!)
I am not asking that you financially invest in the fundraising (If I could help financially in some way, I would myself), but do the next, powerful thing and spread the word via social platforms to make others aware of how they could help, a creative way of what is being done to help (Or pray! Our frontline workers could sure use the prayers right now!)
Here is the writeup I saw on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-iOkNGh3iA/
And here is link for the details: https://www.customink.com/fundraising/you-are-essential2020?fbclid=IwAR3_bUvzBXyNe2WSFRuVXbtsLgnMLiyy92L6A_Vh3E-MXRVPQXyLnKAS2c4
Many thanks for your consideration of passing along or posting!
Blessings, Grace
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