Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Devot. Dark Calvary, Holocaust Remembrance Day

Hi Folks,
I hope you have had a great week so far!!

Here is verse 2 of "The Old Rugged Cross" along with the youtube link to listen to it.  As you read the devot. and listen to verse 2, really listen to the words, even if you have heard the  song 100 times.    It has deep meaning.  The words describe how much Christ suffered for you, for me, how much He endured to make a way for folks to get to Heaven by trusting in Him, how immensely He loved us. 

I also have something interesting below.  This week (Tues. April 21), was Holocaust Remembrance Day.

I wish to say that even though schools colleges and other outlets state that did not happen-the Holocaust did occur.  There are physical places, concentration camps that still exist, there are survivors that are still alive (my parents and I met a gentleman who survived it) that recount what they endured; they still bear the marks on their bodies (the identification numbers that were branded on their skin), souls and minds that bear witness to the fact that without Jesus in one's life, man is sinful, depraved, inhumane and capable of anything.  

I would encourage you to read the article below the devot. called "It Must Be Told."  Educate yourself, and read with an open mind if you are one of the ones that do not think the Holocaust could possibly have occurred.   It is a very enlightening read.

Lastly, I found a neat article online of a practical way to help our health care workers, esp. if you are still getting take out for dinner:). Please read, pass along the link via email or social media to others.    

I have been esp. burdened to pray for those on the Front Lines of healthcare this week.  Would you join me in passing the link along and praying for these brave, selfless folks before going to bed at night this week?  

Many thanks and Lord bless you this week!!!

Dark Calvary:

The Old Rugged Cross (Song):

It Must Be Told
(Used by permission.   Taken from

Helping Healthcare Workers Through Chipotle:

Friday, April 10, 2020

Easter Resources for the Family!

Hi Folks,

Since this is "Resurrection Week" and we are all still stuck inside, I have 4 several resources listed and linked below for your families this week, from the little kids to the teens and adults!   Feel free to pass along to other families in your life!

Resource 1: A Walk with Jesus, was just passed along to me by a family I know and they are enjoying it tremendously!

Resource 2: "The Bible App for kids" I found in my inbox and it helps parents explain the meaning of Easter is to your children in an understandable, fun, interactive way.

Resource 3 is from one of my favorite kids movie series, The Story Keepers.  It is an animated series about Ben the Baker, his wife Helena and their adopted children who are underground church leaders during the time of Nero.  Ben tells stories of Jesus during their meetings, but there is alot of adventure and humor along the way.   This was my all time favorite series as a child, still enjoy them:)

Resource 4 is The TorchLighters from Voice of the Martyrs.   It is an animated series about heroes of the faith, from the Bible and history. Even though they are for kids, my mom and I have watched many stories from this series and it has touched our hearts tremendously and grown our faith!    The dvd itself (at the end of each one), has a documentary of the person it featured.  So the kids and adults can learn from each hero of the faith!): 

Resource #5 I am SUPER EXCITED ABOUT!!!   I don't know if you have heard of Sound and Sound Theaters, but they are located in Lancaster PA and Branson MO.  They put on live, professional dramatized productions of stories from the Bible in their 2,000 seat theater.  The acting, music, drama, costumes are incredibly stunning and impressive!!! 

Below are details that they will be showing one of their live Easter plays on TV or via an app for free this weekend!  I can PROMISE that your whole family will enjoy it.   (Kids 8 and up would gain the most from it depending on your child, but the teens and adults would really enjoy this.)

I hope that each of you can find a resource that suits your family and that. Even though we are stuck inside and it doesn't feel like Easter week, it doesn't diminish the meaning or significance and we still have resources to help remind us of that.  Blessings, Grace 

A Walk With Jesus via Text:

The Bible App:
Bible App for Kids Jesus
  Bible App for Kids logo
Happy Sunday - Bible App for Kids coloring page

Unlock the power of Easter for your kids.

Sacrifice. Crucifixion. Redemption. Resurrection. Renewal. These can be difficult concepts to understand, even for us as adults. How do we introduce our children to these foundational aspects of our faith? The Bible App for Kids can help. 
Father and son playing on tablet
The Bible App for Kids stories “A Goodbye Meal,” “It is Finished,” and “A Happy Sunday” help your kids experience the story of Easter in age-appropriate ways. Interactive animations engage them in the stories, and fun learning activities help them understand what Jesus’ sacrifice means for them. 
Consider watching these stories together with your kids, and let them spark discussions about what it means to follow Jesus in your family. 
Get Bible App for Kids
Bible AppBible App for Kids
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The Story Keepers On Youtube: 

Easter Movie!!!
Not sure if anyone saw this come through, but Sight & Sound from Lancaster is 
showing the presentation of "Jesus" that was filmed before a live studio 
audience FREE due to the Covid-19 outbreak. is my understanding for those who do not have the TBN channel, you 
can also download the TBN app from Google or Apple and watch it on your 
phone/tablet anytime on Saturday or Sunday through the "on-demand" feature.  
Here is the information... is my understanding for those who do not have 
the TBN channel, you can also download the TBN app from Google or Apple 
and watch it on your phone/tablet anytime on Saturday or Sunday through
 the "on-demand" feature.   

A Special Easter TV Broadcast

We are thrilled to announce that JESUS will now be airing on TV! Tune in to TBN on Saturday, April 11 at 1pm ET as the greatest rescue story of all time comes to life right in your living room

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Devot. The Powerfulness of Passover in Light of Covid-19

Hi Folks,
I hope you are staying well and having a good week!

This week definitely does not feel like Holy Week.  No good Friday Service, no Resurrection Sunday Am service.  But even though this week does not feel any different than any other week, the meaning and significance of the week is not diminished.   (In addition to this devot., I will be emailing later with some Easter resources for the entire family (kids to adults) and I hope it is helpful.)  

This week, I struggled with what topic to focus on and then the Lord gave me an idea: Passover.  Let me explain. 

Tonight is Passover, which will be celebrated by Jews and Jews who believe in Jesus all across the world.  We see a record of Passover in the Old and New Testament.  In Exodus 12, we see God command Moses how to prepare this first Passover meal.  The Israelites were to prepare a perfect, unblemished lamb a certain way, prepare bitter herbs and to bake unleavened bread.

One of the very major parts of this new celebration was that the blood from the spotless lamb be painted on the doorposts and lintels on their home with hyssop (in the Bible, hyssop was a symbol  of spiritual cleansing) so that the Angel of Death would "pass over" their homes and spare the lives of their first born sons from the pestilence of death that God would send into Egypt.    (This was God's final warning sign to Pharaoh that He better release His people, the people of Israel, from bondage so that they go and freely serve the Lord!).  This was a 'memorial' that the Israelites were to observe and practice at a certain time, every year, forever (Ex. 12:24).

Now to the New Testament.  We see "the passover" In the New Testament in Matthew 26:17-29, Mark 14:12-25, Luke 22:7-38 and 1 Corinthians 11:23-25 .  Did you know that..."what we call the "Last Supper" is actually the Passover meal celebration.  Because timing is based on Jewish time, the meal would have started just after sunset on Thursday and went late into the evening."  (Quote by Pastor G. Wilt). 

Now, there are two devots. below that share simply and clearly how the Old and New Testament parallel and it is important.
Scripture states that Jesus was a fulfillment of Old Testament Scripture that a 
"Lamb" (symbolic word and meaning) would come and die to cover the sins of the world.    (Sigh) much I wish I could go into, but the devots. are below (please look at both through this next week).  

I also have something very unique.   A Messianic friend of mine (A Jewish person who believes that Jesus was Messiah, the Saviour of the world, not just a good teacher or prophet) emailed me two news links regarding Passover.   One showed a correlation between the pink supermoon that will be coming up tonight and shows that it was prophesied in the book of Isaiah!  The 2nd link shows an amazing correlation between Covid-19 happening right now and how it closely parallel the events surrounding the 1st Passover.   Read them and I think you will be amazed.  God is trying to get through to people at this time!

Lastly, I have a link that shows what Passover is about, what it entails, the symbolism of the meal.  One of my favorite Messianic musicians will be going live tonight at 8PM via Facebook and Youtube to host a Passover meal (called a "Seder").  I would encourage you to watch or go back on youtube and watch if you have never seen this done.  Very powerful how the details of the 1st Passover match the Last Supper and what it all means.    

I pray you all have a blessed evening!  (Will email with Easter resources for your families soon!). Blessings!


Exodus 12 Passover Passage: 

Lamb of God:

Christ Our Passover:
(Devotionals used by permission.  Taken from

News Articles: 

Watch Passover Dinner Live:

Friday, April 3, 2020

A Way Tangible to Help During the Crisis!

Hi Folks,

I saw something very neat on Instagram tonight and wanted to pass along in hopes you would consider posting to Facebook or other online platforms as you can.

A church that I follow via Instagram had a online fundraiser started by one of their members who is a mother and an ER dr. at John Hopkins in Baltimore MD.   
She is raising funds via a tee shirt she is dubbing "Essential Worker" (or can be changed to "Essential Homebody") to help Meals on Wheels, The Global Food Bank, and even their own neighbors in their community via their church's benevolence fund who are effected by Covid-19.   100% of what is raised will go to folks in need!
(I have seen how this dr's. church is actively and tangibly helping their community with groceries, toilet paper and even financially just because they want to help and share the love Christ and I am quite impressed!) 

I am not asking that you financially invest in the fundraising (If I could help financially in some way, I would myself), but do the next, powerful thing and spread the word via social platforms to make others aware of how they could help, a creative way of what is being done to help (Or pray!  Our frontline workers could sure use the prayers right now!)

Here is the writeup I saw on Instagram:

Many thanks for your consideration of passing along or posting!
Blessings, Grace 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Devot. Spiritual Ponderings

Hi Folks,

I hope you are having a productive week and you and your families are staying healthy and well. I have something different for you today.

I have been reading encouraging stories this week of folks giving away face masks to health workers, health workers being applauded from the balconies of homes in the evenings all around the world, party companies that rent tents giving them away to set up as field hospitals, and churches who are obeying God given authorities and 'sheltering in place,' yet finding creative ways to worship, have encouraging Bible studies online
and also find safe ways to help their neighbors.   

Our county is banding together to support, encourage and help each other, Believers are having the chance to share the love of Jesus and the Gospel that saves, how exciting!   Yet one theme I am hearing among many who have trusted Jesus as their Savior and Lord is the fact that this time at home has given them a chance to look into their souls, to 'take stock' of the spiritual condition of their hearts and see where spiritual 'spring cleaning' needs to be done.
Below are such reflections of a pastor who travels overseas to encourage Believers around the world.  My pastor knows him, sent my church body the below email with permission to share it with you all. 

I hope his email helps you to start looking at the condition of your heart, mind and life in light of our current and in light of eternity.   I have also included a devotional. below on spiritually 'spring cleaning' your soul, an encouraging story for your week and a way to help health workers at this time.     We certainly have more time to think and evaluate how our spiritual walks are with the Lord right now.   Pray you are encouraged!  Lord bless you and yours this week!

From the Pastor; 
"So with all the Covid 19 issues that have put me in a place where I feel incarcerated, it is a good time to post.

In times like these I find it good to do some pondering and reflecting. Adversity and disappointment are always God's way of revealing so much about my heart's motivations and perspectives. What have I seen within my heart in all of this? More than I want to admit for sure. Nevertheless, one thing is more preeminent, I love to have my way. I love to control the direction of my life. I think my ideas are overwhelmingly the best. I like to be sovereign over the details of my life. I like to understand all the "Why's" of what is happening. I struggle with questions regarding why is my ministry on hold. How long will this covid hinder ME from MY plans to do MY ministry. Wow, it is hard to see those words in front of me.

God is teaching me the same lesson over again, in order to find a life of joy, hope, and peace, I must die to my prideful aspirations and live to His glorious aspirations. I need to remind myself that God can be trusted. He is kind, loving, gracious, merciful, sovereign, faithful, all-knowing, impassable, and so much more. How can I even entertain a notion that my ways are better. Adversity is God's way of introducing me, to me. He does so because He loves me so much He does not want me to waste my life but rather give it away out of love for Him and love for others. God calls me to trust and surrender. To raise my white flag!

Another thing God has brought to my mind is what it means to really love with compassion. Providentially, last night I had a call from overseas from my translator who is serving the Lord. Minutes later I had a call from  another overseas contact, who lives in a remote part of his country.   In particular he informed me of the suffering they are facing in the midst of covid 19 entering their state. People there are restricted from work. They work daily for their daily bread. There are no stockpiles of food. In the best of conditions it is a daily struggle to procure what we have in abundance, food. To get to the point, speaking purely for myself, I know little or absolutely nothing of suffering in any real terms like my 2 friends. I am an American, a child of my age. I lack categories of suffering, persecution, and deprivation such as the vast majority of the world holds. They have categories for those things that just don't exist in my frame of reference. James 2:14-17 pierces my heart, "How can I say that I have a genuine working faith as I see a poorly clothed and hungry eternal soul in need, and reply "Go in peace, be warmed and filled without giving them the things NEEDED for the body." (James 2:16). In my pondering, God is really speaking to me about a biblical love that acts with compassion and mercy in order to bring about the greatest possible benefit to another person. Christ has done that me in massive proportion. My greatest sacrifice to bring benefit to another person is microscopic compared to what Christ has done for me.

My pondering and conclusions? God wants me to love and trust Him. He is control. To stop thinking about me, myself, and I. To act as Jesus would towards those suffering persecution and deprivation in order to bring about benefit to them in their need. Daily NEED. Not daily desires but genuine daily need. So in the end, this PAUSE from God is a good thing. No I am wrong. It is totally an essential and necessary for me.
Soli Deo Gloria! (To God be the Glory!)"

(Used by permission.   Taken from

Encouraging Story:

A Way to Help Health Workers:

Devot. Unity!

Hi Folks,
I hope you are staying healthy and well while still staying productive!

I have a devot. topic below that I think is applicable at this time: Unity
At this time in our world, it is vital that we band together to support, help, look out for others, esp. those who are older.  Political, racial, economic, generational lines need to come down and folks need to work together, we won't make it otherwise.

Remember the expression, "Divided we stand, united we fall"?  It's the truth!  This is most especially true and should be the case among Believers.   Jesus said in  John 13:34-35, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.   By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

The verse directly applies to Believers and states that others, those in the non-believing world, will know that we are Christians by our Christian love and care for other Believers.   

The other day I was looking at an Instagram feed of a church I follow.   The pastors of the church were talking with their district representative to see how their church could actively help those in their district.   Stories were also being posted of church members taking groceries to elderly members, leaving flowers at their door.  One couple typed up a note and left it in every mailbox on their street stating that if anyone could not get out for groceries or errands, to text them and they would be happy to do it (and not charging of course).  That is what Christ was stating!!!!   

2 Philippians 2:4, "Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others."  
(I think we could apply this to our lives in the areas of obeying whatever self-isolate mandates our states issue and obeying them to the full letter of the law so others, esp. the elderly do not get sick.) 

Now, I am seeing these acts of kindness online from those who are not Christians, and good for them, but we need to most esp. show acts of kindness and Christ's love in some way (for me, it has been calling some of the elderly in our church to say hi and check on them).  As Believers we can show kindness to each other and then let it radiate out to those who desperately need Christ in their life.     Another church Instagram feed I saw shared that someone had trusted Christ and they attributed it to the virus, it was a wakeup call to them that they needed Jesus in their life. never know all the good that could come from this, how God could receive glory through situations such as this and how many folks could come to Christ if we would but share Him verbally and through our actions.  My mom favorite verse in the Bible is Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

I hope you all have a super great week, stay healthy and well!
(Devots. and an article on acts of kindness below to brighten your day!

(P.S. FYI I found an article online that Hydrogen Peroxide is an excellent virus cleaner as an alternative to Clorox the other cleaners are scarce.  Hope this helps!)

Devots: Unity in Christ:

(Used by permission.  Taken from

Also some Good Samaritan stories to brighten your day!