Hi Folks,
I hope you have had a great week so far!!
Here is verse 2 of "The Old Rugged Cross" along with the youtube link to listen to it. As you read the devot. and listen to verse 2, really listen to the words, even if you have heard the song 100 times. It has deep meaning. The words describe how much Christ suffered for you, for me, how much He endured to make a way for folks to get to Heaven by trusting in Him, how immensely He loved us.
I also have something interesting below. This week (Tues. April 21), was Holocaust Remembrance Day.
I wish to say that even though schools colleges and other outlets state that did not happen-the Holocaust did occur. There are physical places, concentration camps that still exist, there are survivors that are still alive (my parents and I met a gentleman who survived it) that recount what they endured; they still bear the marks on their bodies (the identification numbers that were branded on their skin), souls and minds that bear witness to the fact that without Jesus in one's life, man is sinful, depraved, inhumane and capable of anything.
I would encourage you to read the article below the devot. called "It Must Be Told." Educate yourself, and read with an open mind if you are one of the ones that do not think the Holocaust could possibly have occurred. It is a very enlightening read.
Lastly, I found a neat article online of a practical way to help our health care workers, esp. if you are still getting take out for dinner:). Please read, pass along the link via email or social media to others.
I have been esp. burdened to pray for those on the Front Lines of healthcare this week. Would you join me in passing the link along and praying for these brave, selfless folks before going to bed at night this week?
Many thanks and Lord bless you this week!!!
Dark Calvary:
https://www.icr.org/article/11827?utm_source=phplist8431&utm_medium=email&utm_content=HTML&utm_campaign=April+10+-+Dark+Calvary. (Used by permission. Take from https://www.icr.org)
The Old Rugged Cross (Song):
It Must Be Told
(Used by permission. Taken from https://www.foi.org)
Helping Healthcare Workers Through Chipotle: